Mr. Kapoor tries to reason with Meera about her marriage, expressing his desire to see her settled down.

Mr. Kapoor:  Meera, you're becoming unbearable. It's time you think about marriage and a future with someone who can balance you.

Mr Kapoor has been always worried about Meera as  When Meera was 10 years old, her mother died due to cancer since then Meera was everything to him. He gave so much love to Meera that she has become so much that now Meera has climbed on the head, she has become irritated she has become stubborn, she does not care for the feelings of others.

Meera was from Delhi and her mother was from jaipur when her mother died they had nowhere to go so they came back here
Since childhood Meera have crush on rajveer as they were classmates
Meera's father is also businessman so he have good relationship with chahuan family
Meera keeps coming and going to Rajveer's place
But here our rajveer even after Meera confessed her love towards him he rejected her
Because he's still in love with Anamika ( Aaradhya)

Meera Kapoor reveals her feelings for Rajveer, emphasizing that she won't marry anyone else.

Meera :  There's only one person I'll marry, Father. I won't settle for anyone but Rajveer Chauhan.

Mr Kapoor : And what if rajveer denies to marry you?

Meera : What is mine is mine only, if it can't be mine, then I will not let it happen to anyone else.
It is my dream to marry Rajveer and I do what I have thought.

Mr. Kapoor, knowing the importance of this alliance, decides to visit the Chauhan family to discuss the potential marriage.

After 3 days of college event :

Aaradhya and Kavya are sitting at their usual spot in the college cafeteria. Aaradhya appears contemplative and slightly nervous as she broaches the subject.

Kavya : Heyy bro?? What's wrong with your face? I'm noticing from last 3 days since the event you're busy in your own thoughts, tell me what's going on huh?!!

Aaradhya: Kavya, I need to talk to you about something that happened that day. It's about Rajveer.

Kavya: Rajveer? What's going on? You look a bit on edge.

Aaradhya:  Well, that day he offered me a job as his personal assistant. Can you believe it?

Kavya:  That's huge, Aaradhya! Congratulations. But why do you seem unsure?

Aaradhya:  It's just that... I've never worked in an office before. I don't know if I'm cut out for this kind of job. And it's Rajveer, you know? He's a big deal.

Kavya: Aaradhya, you're selling yourself short. You're brilliant, and you can handle anything you put your mind to. But, tell me, do you want this job? Is it something you're passionate about?

Aaradhya: That's the thing, Kavya. I'm not sure. It's a tremendous opportunity, and I don't want to regret turning it down. But at the same time, I need to think if it aligns with my goals and if I'm truly ready for it.

Kavya : [Understanding] I get it, Aaradhya. It's a big decision. But remember, sometimes the best opportunities are the ones that challenge us. If you decide to take it, I know you'll excel.

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