"Well, let me know if there's anything I can do for you," Ohm said, and Nan nodded. then the three sat and talked about cars.

--What's with your smile? Oh, are you crazy? Mac asked Ohm when he returned from the bathroom. After breaking away to go to the bathroom for a while.

--I'm in a good mood, can't I smile? Ohm asked, Mac looked at Ohm confused but stopped asking questions.

As it was time for Mac's friends to arrive, the three stood at the passenger exit. The announcement for the flight Mac's friends were on rang and Nan put her arm around Mac's shoulder. Mac and Ohm also looked to see if they could find their friends. Until some time passed.

--Look, there they are, Mac said when he saw his friends pushing the luggage cart out.

Frank, who saw Mac first, quickly raised his hand in greeting.

Nan looked over and saw Jeff walk in with a handsome boy with golden hair. But that didn't interest him anyway. So let Mac hug and shake and make friends.

--Hey Nan, thanks for letting us sit, Joe said before walking over to shake hands. Then Nan nodded and shook the other's hand. The others also came to greet him. Including Jeff, but the other side's face was smooth. Nan wasn't interested at all.

Is this your cousin Jeff? Mac said looking at the golden haired boy and smiling sweetly.

--Yes, this is my aunt's son. When the semester ends he comes to visit me. So I invited him to come with me. His name is Jerry, this is my friend Mac. The other boy walked over to stand in front of Mac and held out his hand with a smile.

--Hello, I'm Jerry, said the young man. Making Mac's friends immediately look at Mac's face. Mac looked at Jerry with still eyes.

Nan, Nan replied shortly before coming over to hug Mac's neck as usual. He left the boy with his hand hanging in the air.

- Don't you think you were a little rude to my cousin? Jeff asked. Nan looked at Jeff's face and smiled slightly.

I didn't say I had good manners. You still haven't gotten used to it, have you? Nan asked.

--Well, do you want to rest or are you hungry? Tell us to get you. Ohm asked to change the weather.

- I want to sleep first, Danny answered.

Nan nodded in agreement before picking up her cell phone to call her underling to bring the car to the exit door.

-Wait a minute, let's wait for the car in front, Nan said in a low voice. Then he put his arms around Mac's neck and brought Mac to the front. Jerry goes for a walk with Jeff.

--Jeff, Nan lets you stay at his house. Anyway, he respects the owner, Ohm warns his friend with good intentions.

--I won't do anything. Nan is the person who doesn't think about me and Nong, Jeff talked to Ohm.

--Nan doesn't care about you either. Just don't cause trouble.

Ohm repeats again. Jeff nodded. before Ohm went to talk to Frank.

-For Nan, Mac, what are you looking for? a voice was heard. It makes Nan and Mac turn to look. They saw that it was Two, Nueng's brother.

--We came to pick up some friends. how about you Two turned to look at Mac's friends before his face blurred

--I came to send my friend off, I'll be back, see you later. Two said and they quickly left. Mac looked confused, but thought nothing of it.

Everyone stood in front of the exit door a time. Nan's van pulled up and when the luggage was already loaded, they climbed in and took their seats immediately, where Nan and Mac were sitting in the same place.

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