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𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘩 - 𝘶𝘯𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯



John and Axel had spent weeks meticulously gathering information on EMBER's illegal activities, piecing together the puzzle of the city's underground drug trade. With their findings in hand, they were now preparing for their first night as vigilantes in Wellston, determined to put a stop to the criminal organization's operations.

The clock struck midnight, signaling the start of EMBER's nightly drug trades. John and Axel, dressed in their distinctive outfits designed to match their respective ability auras, stood in the shadows, their hearts pounding with a mix of anticipation and nerves.

Axel, his green suit and mask fitting him perfectly, asked John, "You ready, John?"

John fidgeted with his black full-body suit, which had shimmering gold lining, and replied with a hint of embarrassment, "Yeah, this outfit is awfully tight, so I'm scared if it rips."

Axel chuckled, his voice muffled behind the green mask. "Don't worry, John. You'll get used to it. Just remember, we're doing this to make our city safer and to find the whereabouts of your mother."

Their determination outweighed their concerns as they knew the importance of their mission. They had a clear plan to strike at EMBER during their busiest hours, which was from midnight to 3:00 am. The research they had gathered indicated that Volcan, one of the high-ranking members of EMBER, was most active during large drug shipments to their major business supporters.

With a final glance at each other, John and Axel nodded in silent agreement. Axel asked one last time, "You ready to go?"

John nodded firmly. "Ready."

With that, they set off into the dark night, their mission to bring justice to their city and dismantle EMBER's criminal activities.



Axel and John continued to leap from building to building, their agility and aura-driven abilities propelling them through the night. They arrived at the scene earlier than expected, and as they surveyed the area, John pointed down below.

"Axel, down there!" John pointed out.

In the distance, they could see the drug trade unfolding, but something was amiss. It appeared to be turning into a brawl, with mid-tier individuals involved in an altercation.

"It seems to be a fight," Axel observed.

John squinted to get a better look and spotted a woman in a long coat and a wide black hat. His voice dripped with menace as he identified her, "Volcan."

"We were right. She did come at this time! Are you ready to go?" Axel asked, determination shining in his eyes.

John nodded firmly, and with unison, they leaped from the building, their bodies hurling towards the ground at an incredible speed. VOLCAN's eyes widened as she watched the two vigilantes descend and land on the ground within seconds.

"My, my. I would have never guessed that two snakes would appear before me to stop my plans. I suppose I knew this would happen all along," VOLCAN remarked with a sinister grin. Behind her, multiple EMBER assistants in black outfits emerged from behind various buildings, ready to pounce.

"If you're going to deal with those vigilantes, you might have to deal with us as well!" a voice called out from a distance.

"If you're going to deal with those vigilantes, you might have to deal with us as well!" a voice called out from a distance

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hope all of you lovelies enjoyed this chapter of John and Axel's perspective! Get ready for chapter 6 to see what unfolds between the two vigilante teams and the Ember Affiliates!

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