Chapter 12: Word gets around!

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Chapter 12: Word gets around!

"Speaking/talking/Sound Effects"


"Attack names"


- East Blue: The open ocean-

Today was quite a peaceful day out — a perfect day for a nap after being on night watch duty last night. I was about to nap beside Nami's pool seat; I got my nightcap on — all ready to plunge into a nap.

But then, Nami started to complain at the News Coo bird: "What?! Another price increase? Don't you think it's getting a bit too expensive?"

"Caw..." I saw the News Coo looking apologetic at her, as Nami placed a hundred berri coin into the Coo's bag. "Raise the price again and I won't be buying your papers anymore." News Coo flew off as quickly as it could. Nami would not be the only snappish customer.

"What're you getting so riled up about? It's just a newspaper," commented Usopp. He was tinkering with his little lab set of tricks and mixes.

"Daily expenses all add up, don't you know?!" huffed Nami, insistent on proving her point of saving every penny.

"I thought you were done with saving up money?" asked Usopp.

Nami pointed at Usopp with her newspaper: "Don't be stupid. From now on, I'm going to be saving up money for no one but me alone. There's no way I'm going to be a penniless pirate!"

"Ok, ok. I'm in the middle of developing my secret Tabasco star, so keep away," warned Usopp, as he pulled out a bright red Tabasco bottle. I watched him carefully place the bottle above an empty slingshot capsule. "Any enemy who gets this in their eyes will be rendered completely hel-"

But Usopp's explanation was interrupted. Luffy, who was suddenly kicked over, hit Usopp on the side of his body. The deadly sauce splashed directly into his eyes.




"GYAAAA!" yelled Usopp in pain and panic, streaking around in a circle like a headless chicken.

I could see the fire in his eyes. Picking up a glass of iced water beside me, I called out to Usopp: "Usopp, look at me!"

When Usopp turned his head towards the sound of my voice, I flung chilled water at his eyes.

The snipe shooter sighed in relief and groaned, "Thanks..." He slumped against the railings.

Luffy didn't care about what had happened to poor Usopp. He was caught up in his little drama, whining away at Sanji: "Oh, come on! Can't I just have at least one?!" He pointed toward Nami-san's orange trees.

"Absolutely not! These are Nami's beloved orange trees! I won't allow anyone to lay even a single finger on them!" snapped Sanji, before he turned a loving gaze towards Nami. "Nami-san! Rest assured, my defence powered by love is infallible!"

"Thanks a lot, Sanji!" thanked Nami as she casually sat next to me with the newspaper open.

Luffy suddenly cracked a smile: "Oh well. Lucky for you, I'm in a good mood, so I'll drop it then." In a heartbeat, Luffy cheered himself up: "After all, we're on our way to the Grand Line!"

I let out a yawn as I saw Nami flip over to the next page of the newspaper. "The world's in such turmoil. Another coup d'etat in the villa?"

Just then, I saw two slips of paper slip out of the newspaper. Based on the paper quality, I could tell that they were bounty posters.

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