Chapter 5: Tales of Syrup Village

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Chapter 5: Tales of Syrup Village

"Speaking/talking/Sound Effects"


"Attack names"


- East Blue: Syrup Village - Meshi restaurant-

We all turned to see the three kids who entered the restaurant. "What? Kids?" muttered Nami in confusion, while Luffy took a sip of his cup of tea.

"I don't know. Who are they?" Luffy asked, while I studied the situation silently.

"H-hey, captain isn't here..." mentioned one of the boys, who had freckles all over his cheeks. Another boy wearing glasses froze and gasped in shock, "I-It can't be that... the captain has been eaten up?!"

Suddenly, all three boys pointed their small wooden swords at us. "P-Pirates! What did you do to our Captain Usopp!? Give us back our captain!" demanded the boy with the green helmet.

Luffy barely moved a muscle. He finished drinking his cup of tea, before looking up and declaring with an air of satisfaction: "Yum~ that was some delicious meat!"

The boys looked at Luffy in utter horror. I had to bite my lips to stop myself from laughing at their expressions. Instead, I pretended to rest my hand on my mouth to stop my laughter from erupting.

"H-Huh!? Did he say 'meat'?!" gasped Freckles.

"He... a-ate the captain?!!!" shrieked Glasses in fear, dropping his sword to the floor.

Nami started to giggle softly. That was when Zoro smirked, as he decided to have some fun and give the boys a wolfish grin.

"Your captain..." started Zoro in a menacing tone that caused the boys to stiffen in fright.

"W-what did you do!?" cried the third boy, Green Helmet, in panic.

Zoro's grin widened: "Yep. We just... ate him."

That caused the boys to look at Nami and scream in fear all at once: "GYAAAAA! A Demon Woman!!!"

"Hey, who are you calling Demon Woman?!" snapped Nami in anger. Zoro and I broke into laughter.

Luffy also didn't seem to find it funny. He looked confused about the situation, as the three boys crumbled to the ground and fainted on the spot.


As the boys finally came to, we explained that we were just joking and told them that Usopp had left the restaurant in a hurry.

"Oh, so it was time to visit the mansion," stated Green Helmet, smiling with relief.

"The mansion up on the hill?" asked Nami in confusion, while Freckles nodded to answer her question.

"Why does he go there?" queried Luffy. The boys beamed in happiness.

"To tell lies!" blurted out Freckles.

"The lies are not too bad, they're pretty great, right?" wondered Green Helmet, as he looked at Glasses.

"Yes, they are very good!" agreed Glasses with a smile.


- East Blue: Syrup Village - Mansion on top of the hill-

As the boys led us up to the protective gates of the mansion on top of the hill, they recounted to us the story of the girl who lived at the top of the hill. Her name was Kaya. Ever since her parents died from illness a year ago, she had been grappling with her own illness and depression. Even though she was wealthy, she was often sad. So Usopp would go visit her at this time of the day to tell her made-up special stories that would make her laugh and smile.

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