Chapter 1: Yume meets Luffy!

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Chapter 1: Yume meets Luffy!

"Speaking/talking/Sound Effects"


"Attack names"


- East Blue: Shells Town-

I ignored the cries of the mansion guards, as I ran past the crowds of the busy streets of Shells town.

"Halt! You cannot run forever, Miss Yume!" I could hear one of my father's guards yell behind me.

Shoot! I gotta distract them somehow... I held up my hand and formed my fingers into the shape of a gun and aimed at the guard closest to me: "Knockout shot!"

A blur of blue cottony clouds streaked through the guard; in the blink of an eye, he dropped down to the ground, unconscious. The troop of five soldiers was now reduced to four. While they were distracted by their fallen soldier in peaceful sleep, baffled, I ran into the crowd surrounding the Marine base, with its main building overlooking the sea. I was heading for the port, hoping to catch a boat or ship to escape.

Crap! My father's troops are guarding the port entry. I'll have to find another way!

All I could do was to walk as inconspicuously as I could past the port entry, while mulling over my next move. Just as I was walking past the metallic doors that led up to the main building of the marine base, with its sign featuring the large iconic spelling of 'Marine', a voice of a young man cried out, "Gomu Gomu no (Rubber)...ROCKET!!!"

At the entrance of the main Marine base, in front of me, stood a young man with a slim build and long limbs. With his back facing me, all I could see was his straw hat with a red strap around it, a red sleeveless vest, a pair of blue shorts with snowy-white furry borders, and a pair of sandals.

I watched in shock at the young man stretch his arm ALL THE WAY up the facade of the Marine building and slingshot himself upwards.

What the-! There's another devil fruit user here?!

While the boy was airborne, he grabbed hold of a statue at the top of the building to help slow down his fall. As he came, the top half of the statue broke off when it crashed against the building. KABOOM!!!

"CAPTURE HIM! I'M GONNA KILL HIM MYSELF!!!" A thunderous voice roared out from the top of the Marine base. Soon after, shouts of protest and panic erupted all around me on the street.

Who was that? A rebel or a pirate? I walked to my left in order to avoid the commotion and found that the execution site was holding a young man tied to a wooden cross by his tanned arms and waist. He had a more muscular build than the young man I saw earlier. With his head lowered to the ground, it was impossible to see how he looked like. Three identical gold earrings dangled down from his left earlobe, while a black bandana tied around his head hung down. He wore a plain white shirt, a green haramaki (belly band) and black pants tucked inside his black boots. Based on his slumped posture, he looked as though he was in bad shape. There were fresh gaping wounds on his arms.

Suddenly, a teenager with bizarre pink-coloured hair and purple round-framed glasses, wearing a white V-collared pyjama shirt and black trousers with elastic ends appeared out of the blue. What was this dorky-looking teen doing near the prisoner? Yet it seemed like he wanted to help the prison escape.

Not wanting to be pulled into other people's troubles, since I had plenty of my own, I took off. But just then, from the corner of my eye, I noticed a marine, situated at the top of the building, shoot at the boy. Round Glasses crumbled onto the ground. Blood poured out of his right shoulder. At that moment, the prisoner raised his face upward and sent a deadly glare at the gunman as a warning. His finely-chiselled face was covered with black-and-blue bruises.

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