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"Hold it!"

"I can't!" The burning strain of tensing muscles struck into the very nerves of my arms, back, and core.

I admit, blabbing to Lexa was a really shitty plan. What can I say? It's not everyday you trip on hallucinogenic fruit and show off the secret you were supposed to keep. But aside from the whole space thing, the journal and AI thing, and killing a couple of her warriors, Lexa knows practically nothing of myself, right?

"I am here to see progress, not excuses! Stop your whining child!"

The strength in my arms dissipated by the second as the giant weight on my back that was the foot of decorated war general, Anya, brought me closer and closer to the ground.


"I just need a second," I said with my cheek to the ground. I was utterly exhausted. We had been at it since the fifth hour of the new day. It was now half-day. I think we were in late September but I couldn't be sure. "Lexa will understand. I know she's the one who asked you to help me out with training."

A scoff fell from her lips. "Doba! Your break was over an hour ago, Bruanwada!"

After the attempt, Lexa had begun talking with a few warriors afterward in a calm and petite manner before pulling aside the vigilant war general and asking for favors. I could only assume they were long term acquaintances. Especially when I watched them clasp onto each other's forearms, both of them gazing deep into each other's vacant eyes. She had called me over to join anya in her hut just before another woman named Indra joined us as Lexa led her to what I could only assume would be her own home.

After that, the war general had me isolated in her metal cabin during what she called a clan meeting that occurred within the quaint little village as well as the following days after.

During that time, I can unfortunately attest to annoying Anya with my questions of Lexa.

"When is she coming back?"

"How do you know each other?"

"Is she the village psychiatrist for the people you capture?"

The dark glint in her eye told me how much she wanted to sever the tongue from my mouth.

I knew violence all too well.

I was kept there under Anya's watch for four days. It felt like I was back in my cell on the Ark, only this time instead of the stench of piss and misery it was the foul odor of curiosity and desperation, one I couldn't let go of. It was only then on the early morning of the fourth day, where anya opened her oversized scrap metal door to a giant cyclopean man with a long beard stricken with gray hairs. It ran past his chest molded with dirt, sweat, and oil. The lady riddled with grays on his side was half the size of him. Her apron smothered in all different kinds of colored wax and plucked purple herbs hung out of her apron's pouch. They smelled like copper and neroli plants, like the ones outside the trading hut.

Anya outstretched her hand and firmly grasped the man's arm before giving a slow respectable nod.

"Girl. Come here." She had called out. Slowly getting off the cot on the other side of the decent sized hut I slowly approached the war general and watched as her hand slowly shifted to her blade's hilt.

"This is Riddick and Lorem, you will be living with them as their ward," Anya spoke sternly.

I looked at the couple in confusion. "I don't understand," I looked back at Anya. "I thought I would have just a tent to myself?" Before I could turn my head back to the couple, a big ball of spit found its way flying from Lorem and onto the side of my eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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