capable of love

399 16 0

2 days later

Your name gets called out repeatedly from across the room, pulling you out of your deep trance.

It's currently 2:36 AM, and you're in the meeting room - lying down on the couch.

" Huh? " Your eyes snap in the general direction, across the table from you. Izana gives you a warm smile, tilting his head curiously to the side.

" You seem out of it " He taps on the table once, gaining your full attention, " Didn't get much sleep, I'd assume? "

Your eyes avoid his as he pushes a cup of water forward, and you stand up and extend your hand towards it to pick it up.

" A lot happened...over the past week- I'm fine, Izana, just need some rest " You pause to raise the cup and take a sip, feeling your hand tremble when you place it back down.

Izana notices, " So I've heard..."

A deafening silence falls while you make your way back towards the couch, taking in the view of the eye bags under your eyes in the reflection of the mirror as you walk past.

" Does it bother you? Draken taking your room, I mean " He asks, and you pull the blanket over your body with a sigh.

" I'm not the type to complain, if Mikey thinks it's a good idea I must comply, right? "

" I don't know what he's thinking " Izana states, gaze fixated on the table in front of him.

" I've had a talk with Sanzu " He brings up, and you raise your eyebrow.

" Yeah? "

" It bothers him, that you're the one working with Draken "

" I just don't understand why Mikey didn't make them two work together instead if he so desperately wants someone to keep an eye on Draken " You let out a yawn, this couch is so damn uncomfortable.

" He wanted to, but I suggested otherwise "

You sit up on the couch, glancing towards Izana.

" Why?"

" Because..." Izana stands up from the chair, " While Mikey trusts Sanzu more, I trust Kakucho with my life, but he knows nothing about casinos"

" So I trust you with making sure it all runs smoothly, and I trust Kakucho to keep an eye on him " He further explains, and you shrug it off.

" But that means Sanzu is running solo again, doesn't it? " You lay back down, and Izana blows out the candle on the table.

" He can handle it, and I'd sure hope you can handle this too " Izana's voice sounds from the corner of the room.

" Do you wanna take my room? I can crash on the couch " He suggests, and you let out a sleepy groan.

" It's okay Izana, thank you, goodnight "

" Goodnight, also- remember sharing Sanzu's room is still an option " He lets out a chuckle before closing the door, and you wave him off nonchalantly.


Your back hurts, everything hurts. While trying to fall asleep you made sure to cuss Kokonoi out at least a few dozen times for being stingy with the furniture quality in the house.

Then again, if you were to be honest, it wasn't the only reason you couldn't fall asleep. Thoughts kept you up.

You hope Yazuha is okay, you hope tomorrow will be okay, you hope to forget hearing Hanma bleed out behind you while begging for mercy.

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