l̶o̶v̶e̶ - karma is a bitch

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When you enter back in the room, your eyes scan everyone. Rindou and Kioko are cuddled up on the sofa laughing, Izana and Kakucho are sitting down next to a group of girls.

Shit, even Koko is talking to someone, seemingly enjoying himself.

And finally, your gaze comes to rest on Ran, who's sitting down on his phone.

He looks up from his phone at you, giving you a small smile - which you reciprocate as you step closer to grab your bag from next to him.

" Leaving early? " He asks, and you nod slightly, staying silent.

Your fist clenches tighter around the lighter in the palm of your hand, and Ran raises an eyebrow when you take a seat next to him.

" I can drive you home if you don't feel well " He offers making you smile as you search through your purse, grabbing a hold of your pack of cigarettes.

" Don't worry, I'm all good - I'll stay a bit longer "

You place one to your lips, looking forward to see Sanzu in the middle of the room, cigar hanging from his lips as he dances closely with another girl.

He glances at you once, smiling, before focusing back on his partner.

And you smile, too, as Ran flicks his lighter open and brings the flame to your cigarette, lighting it for you.

" Can I ask you something? " Ran catches your attention, and you tilt your head onto the backrest, exhaling.

" Go ahead "

" What actually happened last night? "

You saw the question coming, and you dreaded it. So you try your best to avoid it, as you often do.

" Ran, do you think Rindou's happy? " You ask as if you didn't hear what he said, your head falling on his shoulder as you move your eyes towards the couple.

Ran lets out a soft laugh, placing his arm around you. " I think so "

" And do you think me and him could ever go back to being friends? " You continue, and he lets out a sigh.

" Yes " Ran lets out shortly, " I know my brother, he can be too much at times - but he wants to see you happy, too "

You smile wide as you turn your head to look at him, and he ruffles your hair in the process.

" You scare me when you get all sentimental like that, just give him time "

A laugh leaves you realising you successfully managed to dodge his question. You attempt to fix your hair, standing up from the sofa.

" I'll go to the bathroom, then you can drop me
off "

Ran nods, and you carefully manoeuvre your way through the small crowd, towards the narrow hallway.

Once you step into the woman's restroom, your eyebrows knit together at the sound of heavy breathing and slurping coming from one of the stalls.

And you shrug and enter a stall because this tends to happen a lot in clubs.

But then as a soft grunt echos, your eyes widen at the realisation this was the VIP section's bathroom, and there are a very few select people who-

A woman's gasp for air comes out followed by coughing, and the groaning turns into a frustrated and tired " Fuck's sake, "

" Get off me " An unmistakable voice echos, and your lips part in shock because this can not be real.

" Aren't you gonna fuck me? " The woman chokes out, followed by tired laughter coming from him.

You leave the stall in a rush and go to wash your hands at the sink. Quickly.

You're trying to leave as fast as you can, you don't wanna know if it's really him. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, anxiety building up inside of your core.

The stall behind you opens, to your horror, and your gaze that previously stayed glued to the tap raises slowly.

And your lips part in a short breath. It's him, Sanzu, fixing his hair casually with his pants unzipped and a flushed face.

You're quick to notice the red lipstick smudged out the corner of his lips, and you freeze once your eyes meet.

And he fucking smiles. Almost mockingly, without a hint of embarrassment.

He rubs the corner of his lips right next to his scar with his thumb as the girl he was with runs out of the bathroom mortified upon seeing you.

" Oh...Shit " He lets out of breath with a chuckle and you start laughing, too - hoping it'll make the odd pain in your chest disappear.

" Bad timing, huh? " Sanzu continues while fixing his clothes and you try your hardest to keep yourself together.

You try not to stare too long.

You asked for this.

Turns out, Karma really is a bitch.

" Mm, had fun? " You turn the tap off, trying to avoid looking at him as he steps beside you next to the sink to wash his hands.

" You really want me to answer? " His head turns to look at you, and a knot forms in your throat when he laughs again.

" No, I don't " You admit, passing him and making your way to grab a tissue from the dispenser.

" Well, " He turns the tap off, touching your waist with his cold wet hands when he passes by you to open the door.

" I'm gonna tell you anyway - "

You shiver at the brief touch, turning your head towards him hesitantly. It's silent, for a moment, when your eyes finally meet.

You hold your breath, and he clears his throat with a small laugh when he lets out your name, his blush only getting worse.

" ...I couldn't even get hard "

He steps out and shuts the door behind him instantly after those words leave him, and you zone out for a moment.

" Son of a bitch " You steady yourself on the sink, letting out a deep breath before a quiet laugh.

It comes as a sudden realisation that an odd feeling of relief washed over you at that very moment.

I must be going crazy - you think to yourself, feeling your heart rate begin to calm down - still shaken up, but managing. Barely.


Ran gives you a ride home, and it was mostly silent - although he wondered why you look like you've seen a ghost.

And you're thankful for it. Because your mind was racing with way too many thoughts at once to worry about him, too.

As soon as you arrive home, you go straight to your room and plop down on the bed, exhausted, and ultimately end up falling asleep.

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