carmen ii

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You watch Akkun as he stands up, respectfully greeting Sanzu before leaving the room in a rush, and Sanzu doesn't bother to even turn his head - or rather, he seems nervous to.

This is interesting.

" Who might you be? " You bend your body over the table and towards Sanzu's side to grab the ashtray, noticing the mysterious man's gaze linger over your body.

" I thought you'd remember, that's a shame-" He takes a seat across you so you come face to face with him, and the tattoo is clearly there - a dragon huh?

" Haruchiyo, how's Mikey doing? "

You glance towards Sanzu, and your eyes meet for a split second before you feel the tension settling in.

" You're the last man I would have expected to ask me that today " Sanzu lets out amused, making the other laugh.

They know each other, it seems. You're getting a bad vibe from this whole interaction.

" I'm going to the restroom, don't start without me" You announce, putting out the cigarette before standing up from your seat.

You need to gather your thoughts.

Sanzu glares at you like you leaving would be the last thing he'd want.

" Catching up doesn't seem so bad, but it's you I'm after " The man speaks calmly, and you furrow your eyebrows.

" I don't even know you-"

The other lets out your real name, letting it roll off his tongue with ease before asking,

" Why don't you come back, hm? Bonten treating you that good? "

Your eyes narrow, the hold on the edge of the poker table getting tighter.

" Who the fuck are you? " Your frustration comes out clearly, and you glance towards Sanzu once.

He only stares blankly at you in response, making the other man chuckle.

" Draken, quit the bullshit, this is between us- and you..." Sanzu nods up at you, and throws his keys toward you, which you swiftly catch.

" Go home "

You frown, freezing in place for a moment hearing the door open and shut again, but this time you don't dare to turn your head.

And the laugh you hear from behind you is too familiar, it makes your blood boil.

" Who said Carmen can leave? Don't tell me I missed out on the fun already " Hanma's sarcastic tone makes you scoff in disgust as he takes a seat at the table.

" Stop fucking calling me that " An annoyed mumble leaves you, and Sanzu's laugh catches your attention.

What's funny?

" There's no way you two actually work together " Sanzu's laugh turns louder, making Draken raise an eyebrow.

" Holy shit Draken, you've really changed " Sanzu's laughter slowly dies down, and you watch the scene unfold in pure confusion.

" If only Emma kne-"

Your eyes widen at how quickly a gun was pulled out, your eyes shifting to Hanma in an instant.

" Hey Sanzu, watch your mouth "

Sanzu puts his hands up mockingly, and you feel a shiver run down your back at the way Draken coldly glances towards him.

You feel out of place - not knowing what to do.

Do you protect Sanzu and shoot first? No, that's too risky.

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