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Your eyes flicker from Mikey and Izana to Rindou and Kioko repeatedly with a rather bored expression on your face.

You've been waiting for the meeting to start for around 5 minutes, but the silence kept in the room made it feel a lot longer.

" I'm bored, where's Kakucho? " You push the sunglasses that rest on the bridge of your nose up, sitting more comfortably on the chair.

And by more comfortably, that means your leg just happens to push into Sanzu's chair, making him almost lose balance.

" Hey! " Sanzu lets out offended, the cigar he was previously puffing on falling from his mouth and you laugh, hard.

Rindou looks towards you, and the sight makes you yawn and slouch in your chair - after all, your body still hurts from the previous night.

Your reaction makes his fist clench under the table," Do you have an issue with Kioko? "

Rindou bluntly asks, and you begin giggling harder than before for some reason, maybe because of the fatigue.

Kakucho walks in alongside a sleepy Ran, both staring at you laughing, confused.

" Kaku! " You let out between laughs, getting up from your chair to hug him.

" What's going on here ?" He asks, and you shrug before crossing your arms, turning around to look towards Ran who gracefully runs past you, stealing your sunglasses in the process.

" These are nice! Hey, where were you last night?" Ran grins, and you calmly walk towards him and snatch your glasses back.

" Nosy " You mutter under your breath, resuming to sitting back down in your place.

Rindou blankly stares at you, and you furrow your eyebrows before switching your gaze towards Mikey.

" Why are we having a meeting?" You tilt your head slightly, looking towards Izana when he clears his throat.

" Well, it's Rindou that suggested the meeting - we thought it might be a good idea, to ease any tension"

You notice Sanzu slyly smiling from the corner of your eye, making you subconsciously smile.

" I don't know what his issue is, but there's no tensio- " You start, but are interrupted by the last member to enter the room, Koko.

" Nice eye bags, drinking again eh? " Koko takes a seat near Mikey, and you fight the urge to start an argument.

" Why are you in my business for? " You point towards Koko, and he sticks his tongue out mockingly.

" We're getting off track " Sanzu speaks up for the first time since the conversation started, giving you an unimpressed look.

" Right, well - I suggest...a party " You smile looking towards Kioko, who silently smiles back.

" I second that! " Sanzu sits up straight in his chair, backing you up.

" What? " Rindou's voice rings in your ear, and you try your hardest not to roll your eyes - although you have a feeling you might have failed.

" I said, a welcome party tonight at the club for Kioko would only be right, if she's down " You glance towards Kioko again, and her smile grows slightly.

" I'm down! I mean- you know-" She lets out enthusiastically, before stumbling on her words making you giggle.

" That settles it, right? Problem solved, tension gone " You look towards Izana, and he hums and looks towards Mikey.

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