Chapter 12

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I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sun beaming on my face. I was still in the same spot I had curled up and cried in last night. My body was naked, cold, and dirty. I could feel the dry tears caressing my skin and the day old makeup remaining on my face. As I stood up, a soaring pain erupted towards my bottom half. All the horrid memories of last night came flooding back and my tears welled up again. I put on my clothes gently and sat back down on the dirt. I had no where to go, home was obviously no longer an option, but I had no phone, no money, no clothes, no food, nothing. It was Wednesday, so hopefully the boys would be at school and I could safely return home to grab my stuff and then leave, this time for good. No matter what text I may receive, this was no longer a place I could return to.

I heard a crunch of leaves from afar, making my entire body jolt from shock and fear. I froze and went silent, staring at the direction of the unknown noise. If it was an animal i'd need to get up and run as fast as I could, but based off my body being soar I don't know if that was possible. 

I slowly got on my feet, awaiting for whatever it was to appear.

The thing that created the noise came into my vision and I started visibly shaking and crying. Ethan and Luke looked confused and dare I say, concerned? I slithered back down the tree truck that I had been leaning on and was raped on, covering my face with my hands as I cried. I had once said tears were something i'd never let my brothers see, but I see no point in pretending they haven't ruined my life and made me miserable. I felt a soft touch on my right shoulder but I wouldn't give the satisfaction of looking at them. I kept my hands buried, praying they'd leave me alone.

Another set of hands touched my left shoulder and both boys sat on both sides of me. They kept their hands on my shoulders and we all sat in silence. After a few minutes, I dropped my shield and faced them.

"What happened." Luke asked gently.

The question was so ignorant, so disgusting, so horrific, that I smiled.

"I hate you. I hate both of you." I laughed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"What-happened-Brynn." Ethan spit.

"Do you feel like you didn't win enough? Do I need to flaunt it around for you guys to be proud of what you did? Should I write "I was raped" on my forehead? Will that make you guys happy?"

Ethan jolted up.

"What the fuck!"

"Who did Brynn." Luke asked in a dangerously calm tone.

"Stop acting like you don't know! That was the whole point of the fucking game anyway right? Who found me first and then got to rape me?"

Ethan kicked a tree. "If I knew that was their intentions I would have bashed all their fucking skulls in."

"Who did it." Luke asked. It appeared he was trying to stay at bay, unlike Ethan who couldn't control his anger.

"It doesn't fucking matter." I cried, tears visibly streaming down my face. I know I should say who did it, but just saying his name disgusts me. I feel bile in the back of my throat and I quickly turn my head as I throw up. Luke caresses my back while Ethan swears.

"Tell us who fucking did this Brynn, I won't ask again nicely."

"When have you ever been nice Ethan."

He came up to me and grabbed my shirt by the collar, forcing my body up. His face was merely an inch from mine as his breathing grew heavier.

"Tell me right fucking now or so help me God i'll fuck up every single person who was here last night until I get a confession from somebody."

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