Chapter 2

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After school I usually have to walk home because all my brothers have after school sports, but since there was a hurricane warning everything was cancelled. Everyone that knows me knows I HATE walking home. Its about 20 minutes if I speed walk. Unfortunately, both my parents work and come home at like 8 pm so I have no other choice. My brothers rotate on who's driving and today it was Carter. I stood by his car waiting after school for him to show up. School ends at 3 pm, it was 3:45.

"What the actual fuck." I mumbled, debating wether I should wait another 10 minutes or just walk home. Every after school activity was cancelled so where is he...and where are all my other brothers? 15 minutes passed of me sitting and dwindling my fingers, I had enough. I took a deep breath and began my walk. I was so mad, none of them even bothered texting me. I laughed to myself. What am I even saying of course they would do this to me. They hate me.

When I finally got home my jaw dropped to the floor. All my brothers were on the lawn playing football. I stood there staring at them. What the fuck?

"What the fuck." I repeated out loud. This grabbed their attention causing them to stop playing and walk up to me. They all wore smirks on their faces.
"What took you so long holy shit. Are you that fat you walked that slowly home." Ethan laughed.
"I-I stood next to carters fucking car for the past hour..." I said. My brows furrowed, I'm so confused bro.
"Oh I forgot to tell you, my car broke so I'm getting it tmr." Carter said casually, but I doubt he forgot.
"Then how did you get home?"
"Gabe picked us up are you fucking stupid." Luke chimed in. Gabe was Carters best friend, who's also the biggest jerk in my school, following Caleb of course. Mean guys are friends with the mean guys.
"Why wouldn't you guys tell me!" My voice was getting louder, I couldn't help how angry I felt. Here they were playing football for an hour while I sat and waited for them at school.
"Nobody likes you why the fuck would I go out of my way to text you." Carter sneered.

"Whatever fuck you guys." I said under my breath turning to go inside the house, but before I could my t shirt was yanked, pulling me back. My butt smacked the ground hard and I winced in pain. It really hurt. Carter stood above me now grabbing hold of the collar of my shirt, and his face inched closer to mine.

"Don't ever speak to me that way again you ugly ass freak." He seethed. The rest of them laughed, what's new. Their like their own little laughing track. Carter let go after that and walked away, leaving me sitting on the ground with tears in my eyes. Caleb of course had to join, anything physical brings great joy to him. He yanked my long blonde hair and dragged me up to the front of the house. I screamed for him to let me go but he kept pulling.

"STOP!" I yelled over and over again. I looked like a little kid having a tantrum. Luke was recording while shouting things like "Baby!" Once he got me to the front door he shoved me inside and slammed the door shut. I hate my life. The water works were unstoppable now. I couldn't help myself but look out the window and watch them while crying. Why couldn't they accept me? why couldn't they love me the way they love each other? They all laughed and played football, teasing each other. Why couldn't that be me. What did I do to deserve being treated so differently?


"Brynn you need to tell someone." Avery sighed. She's always been there for me despite being the laughing stock of my school. I never understood why, Avery was so pretty and so nice....she could be friends with whoever she wanted yet she chose me. Some part of me thinks it's just her loyalty. I've known her since I was 5 years old, back when I was cool and my brothers were nice.

"Avery I've told you so many times, my parents wouldn't give three shits. They'd probably call me a liar and say I'm ungrateful for my family or something. Plus I don't even wanna know what Ethan, Luke, Carter, and Caleb would do to me."

I invited Avery over for dinner. My parents wouldn't be home till late and I didn't wanna be with my brothers alone, not after what happened this afternoon. When Ethan and I were younger he would always tell me how pretty Avery was. He had the biggest crush, and still does honestly. Whenever she comes over he's always 10 times nicer. For some reason I hate that. He likes my friend more than his own twin sister.

A scream of "DINNER" brought me out of my daze. We walked downstairs and entered our rather big kitchen. My brothers all sat at the table taking all the pizza, leaving barely anything for Avery and I. Caleb and Carter could care less about Avery, I don't think they've ever spoken more than a sentence to her, unlike Luke and Ethan who loved her. I always felt jealous. I dont invite Avery over a lot because of this. I know I'm a bad friend.

"Averyyyy I love your tits where'd you get them!" Ethan grinned, staring at her bare chest that her tank top exposed.
"Up your ass and around the corner!" She retorted. Wish I had her confidence.
"You're so weird Ethan." I commented, my face resembling pure disgust. He spat back,
"Jealous cause you don't have any?"
"Brynn you look like a board." Luke added.
My cheeks flushed red and everyone noticed. Avery whispered at me to ignore them. She has no idea how it feels so of course she would say that. I barely ate any of the pizza because whenever I eat my brothers call me fat so I've chosen to just stop. I've lost 5 pounds so far so I'm really happy that's its working. Well I'm never happy.

"Are you gonna eat?" Avery asked me quietly trying not to draw attention. Caleb gave a quiet snicker while still being glued to his phone. This entire night he's never even looked up to acknowledge anyone, same with Carter.
"Let's hope not she's already the fattest in the family." He said. I covered my face within my hands. It was my shelter away from everyone. This is why I don't invite people over, or should I say avery. She's my only friend after all.
"Caleb have you ever considered you need to lose weight? You've been looking a little chunky lately don't you think?" His eyes snapped up. He mustarded up the deadliest glare he could, and I could see he was holding back his anger. If I had said that I would have been 10 feet under. I giggled a little.

"Avery you have quiet a temper don't you. I think I'd like that in bed. Should we give it a try?" Ethan doesn't take a hint does he. SHE DOESNT LIKE YOU ETHAN.
"I'd rather choke on spiders but thanks! Let's go upstairs Brynn, cmon."
"You don't have to tell me twice." I spoke relived. I couldn't ask for a better friend honestly.

I decided to invite Avery to sleepover. My parents arrived home around midnight so I asked them then. School was cancelled tomorrow because it was a snow day so Avery and I could do whatever we wanted. For the first time in a few years I felt happiness.


The sun began to shine through my eyelids, telling me it was the morning.
"Morning Ave." I mumbled rubbing my eyes and stretching.
"Ave?" I didn't see her anywhere in my room. She's probably in the bathroom. Thinking this, I walked into the hallway and called for her. Still nothing. Ok now I'm getting creeped out. Caleb walked by also looking like he just woke up so I decided to ask him. Normally I'd never talk to him willingly.
"Have you seen Avery?"
"Ew don't talk to me."

Of course.

I shook it off and kept searching. I checked all our bathrooms and now I was really scared. What was going on. I quickened my pace checking every single room in my house. Her shoes were still here so she didn't leave or anything. That's when I heard it. A gasp. I ran down the hallway and saw a speechless Luke in the doorway of ethan's bedroom.
"What are you gasping at-" I stopped talking. My whole world crashed in front of me. Tears pooled up in my eyes within a Milli second.

"Please Brynn I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." She reassured, but I tuned her out. I felt betrayed. My only friend in the world, who knew about everything my brothers do to me. The reason for all my suffering. My depression and self harm phase I had a year ago. The people that made me starve myself. Here she was naked with my brothers bed comforter wrapped around her begging me to forgive her, and Ethan laying there watching smirking at me.
I hate him.
I hate everyone.
I hate myself.

"Was it a good bang at least Ethan?" Luke asked, attempting to clear the awkward tension in the room.

I just ran.

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