Chapter 11

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Tw: Very mature and explicit scenes of violence and SA

My life has significantly gotten better. This isn't the first time things have gone my way, but it's the first time i've ever been genuinely happy. Now don't get me wrong, i'm still consistently abused and neglected, but Mike has somehow always been there to make it all better. It's been a month since I met him and everyday has been better than the last. Currently knocking on wood.

"So everyone in your family hates you for no reason?" Mike asks. We are currently laying in my bed watching the football game. Mike always asks me about my family but i've always been very closed off on this topic. I find a way to change the subject fairly easy. This time
though, part of me wants to release my secrets because I find myself so connected towards Mike. I just want to tell him everything.

"You're never gonna give this up are you."

"No, so you may as well tell me. I think it's only fair considering this is my first time at
your house."

"Yea well, my brothers are always here so you can never come over. I think if they found you we'd both be dead." For clarification, they are with my parents at the football banquet. I decided not to go because i'd rather die than go support any of my brothers. Mike gave me a disappointed glance and I hated when he did that.

"Fine Mike." I sit up and take a deep breath, reassuring my safety and comfort within him.

"Basically, yes. It started when I was in middle school and the boys started going into high school. Maybe social standards changed them,
or who knows. They've always been violent, just not towards me. One day, I was annoying Caleb-like any younger sister would do-and he hit me. He punched me in the face and then laughed. I remember how painful and horrifying
it was. My nose started bleeding and I was wailing. The worst part was that I thought Caleb would apologize, but instead he called me a bitch and laughed like there was no tomorrow. I think that sparked his anger for me, because ever since then i've been his personal punching bag." Tears welled up in my eyes and Mike placed his hand on my thigh for reassurance.

"I'm so sorry Brynn."

"It's ok."

It's not ok, but I always say it is to convince myself that what I go through is normal.

"I appreciate your honesty."

To lighten the mood, I start tickling him and vice versa. The only thing that could be heard was our hearty laughter. That is until the front door being closed echoed through the house.

I slapped my hand against his face.

"I hear something." I whispered. Nobody should be home, the banquet just started.

"Brynn!" A male voice shouts from downstairs. My brothers voices sounded relatively the same, but this was Luke a mile away. Part of me was relieved it was only him, but he's a snitch. He may not hit me, but he will gladly tell my other siblings and let them handle it while he instigates.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I say to myself. Mike jolts up from the bed and goes to the closet. The minute he enclosed himself inside it, Luke came galloping through the doorway.

"I came back for a new pair of pants since I spilled my soda but I think I heard a voice? Is somebody here?" He smiled. He knows.

"No Luke just fuck off."

"Ok, I guess i'll have to rummage through your room then since you wanna be a lying bitch."

I got up and attempted to shove Luke out but he trapped my wrists and shoved me out of the room, shutting the door. Before I could open it back up my lock clicked.

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