Decision Makers

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The days spent in Crete were left to be recalled as blissful, each day having been made a brand new refreshing start. A routine was repeated, but experiences that were lived were never the same as the day before. There was nothing after them, and only the tiniest of choices to be made were nothing more difficult than what they would wear just to walk out to the pool that was a short few steps.

The man who was now walking around his Stockholm apartment smiled at his phone for a brief moment, distracting himself from whatever thought he was to do. He could hardly remember what he needed now. His thoughts were filled with the memories that were stored on his device and it reminded him of how he resulted with these images.

Selfies, views, flowers, the kids, then to his lovely surprise, selfies of her again. It was mixed in with all he had photographed from the trip. The gems that Björn rediscovered, as he recalls now, was because it was the day Agnetha had possession of his phone for the whole day, tucked in her pocket, away from him, and unreachable. That was his price to pay for their late night bet. Agnetha had gotten herself out of hers somehow and he couldn't exactly think why or how that was. She may have escaped him then, but who's to say she couldn't pay for it now?

"Are you leaving?" His thoughts dissolved into nothingness when he listened to her voice chime, passing across the room and collecting all her items that she needed. Agnetha was dressed in a tan colored top with jean bottoms, her hair falling around her face, and a purse that had items getting tossed in from where they were on the table. Björn locked his phone. He would come back to these photos later.

"I am. Are you?"

"Yes," she breathed, her thoughts still scattered. She was in a rush and he wasn't sure why. His time read that it was quite early, and very early— just pushing half past eight. She took a deep breath, putting the purse down on the coffee table and she walked towards him.

"I'm getting anxious, actually." His warm and patient demeanor calmed her.

"Everything is going to be fine, Agnetha. It's not anything you haven't done." She nodded at his words.

"It will be, it's just a chat," she reassured herself. "In the end it's about going back to do more and I really want it to work out."

"There's no reason it shouldn't. I wish I'd go with you and really give you my support."

"I wish. But no," she changed her mind. "No, it's better I do it on my own." He looked away for a moment, his eyes being distracted of a very minimal detail of their coffee table. "I will text you when I'm finished." Björn nodded.

"I have to do a couple Voyage things."

"Okay. Am I finding you here later?"

"You can find me wherever you are," he promised. "I don't think I will be late. I want to know how it goes." He kissed her head caringly, and tucked his phone into his pocket.

Upon his entrance back into the apartment later that evening, Björn had immediately felt welcomed when he smelled the meal prepared in the kitchen. The spices she used filled the air and his walk down the hallway echoed until he entered the large kitchen, where Björn saw her at work, lost in her own thought that she did not stop to check what the sound that was made by him was. He put a bag down on the small table in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her, only long enough to greet her.

"Hi," he mumbled, setting a kiss to her cheek. "Meatballs?" Björn inquired.

"Eh, I didn't know what else to make," she explained.

"Classic delicious. How was it, baby? How did it go?" He asked her a second time. He only received a small text update earlier in the day and it kept him curious to find out everything she had to gush about. He knew she would. The way she had turned to him so calmly with her eyes lighting up told him everything.

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