Sounds Like Insomnia

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The marvelous day was brought to an end on a very calm note, a relaxing and soothing rest awaiting the family now for tomorrow it would repeat yet another time. Agnetha had beat Björn to the bedroom much earlier in the night, deciding to shower at last after the long day in the pool. When he had entered, she was dressing into pajamas. When it was his turn to shower, she was climbing into the bed. And when he settled beside her, he felt her get sleepy.

There they laid in a bedroom that was tranquil and peaceful, yet not so silent. All that was left behind remained only the background noises of the night. There was a buzzing from the outdoors, leaves rustling with nightly summer breezes, the air conditioning kicking in again, and lastly and most obviously the device that was in Björn's hand.

The room was completely dark except for the light his cellphone gave, illuminating his face only and leaving a glow around him. He was tucked in between sheets, back propped by pillows, and his glasses rested over his face. Beside him, Agnetha faced the other direction towards the window which was covered with curtains and he was sure she was sleeping. They hadn't exchanged words in well over thirty minutes, so he tried his best not to disturb her. The more he lost himself into interest with the videos he had come across, the more tired he felt. The internet would never run out of content and that was for sure. It's endless to say the least.

He found the time had passed into much past midnight and if anything, it made him snap into reality a bit more as he came to the realization. When did they roll into bed? Did he really let an hour pass by, just like that? He shifted over, put his phone on the nightstand, and removed his glasses too. He was almost against the pillow again when he heard her voice emerge gently.

"Are you just now putting it down?" His head shot over in her direction, nearly startled by it.

"Mm? Yeah. I was watching a review," he shared with her. "Or reviews I should say," Björn considered, recalling he had watched about three of them in a row.

"I know. I could hear it from a mile away," she laughed.

"Why didn't you tell me to turn it down? I thought you were sleeping."

"No. I was listening," she answered. "You know I can't fall asleep that fast."

"Yeah, it's no wonder to me that you need to sleep in every morning."

"I liked what they said," she told him sleepily, still faced the other way. "It's so nice to hear what they have to say or what they think of this technology."

"I heard one say that they couldn't tell what is real and what isn't. Is the band real? Is ABBA real?"

"That ABBA there is immortal. They'll be dancing even when we're sleeping."

"Oh, Agnetha, much more than that," Björn laughed. "But let's leave it at sleeping. It's a more delicate way of saying it."

"What? That they'll be singing and dancing even after we are dead?" she snorted. Björn shifted awkwardly as he broke a smile at her joke.

"It's an odd thing when that'll happen but no I don't want to get into that. Still trying to get used to the idea that we have digital clones existing." There was a natural and tired hesitation.

"There are a lot of things we are still getting used to. Sometimes I wonder will we ever? I honestly still don't understand how they put it together."

"Perhaps that's the fun part."

"The woman who mentioned the facial expressions and small details, like the hair and skin. She's right. It's a bit scary we are that replicated. Very cool, but very scary. Are they going to keep creating things with our avatars," she turned over, "yes, right?"

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