The Villa Over Chania

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It's an interesting thing when it happens that a person should be conflicted about the idea of time flying by without it being felt. Meanwhile one part of them might hate the thought that the month has passed in a blink of an eye, ready to bring in the fall and transition of seasons, another part could be glad the time had finally come around for there is always something anticipated to look forward to; at least the old man seated on the plane had thought so quietly to himself.

The plane had landed in the late evening, touching the ground at a very easy landing. Crete was ready to meet the group of passengers who sat either thrilled, exhausted, anxious, or jubilant and its passengers were equally ready, if not more, to be let off the plane. The flight was nearing four hours coming from Stockholm to Chania, and that meant that for nearly four hours, the family that sat in first class had to find entertaining ways to spend it. They watched movies, chatted, found creative ways to entertain the children, and all the while being restricted to staying with very little movement. Luckily the time to their final destination would not be much longer.

The family that was packed closely in the van took in the beautiful, picturesque scenery they passed, from main city centre and up the rugged landscape towards the villa they had planned to stay in. They could see the water from the sea as they passed through, a deep blue with the tangy sunset against tan architecture that held the city for what it was. There was color on buildings and people walking over cobblestone paths while others sat outdoors to have dinner in Grecian restaurants. The scenery changed going up the hill, finding it had become more village like and natural, the path being lit by whatever was left of daylight and the headlights of the vehicle they rode in. The ten minute drive from the airport to the house had ended with short notice, and the grandmother who had her arm wrapped around her grandson was surprised. She was enjoying the area. However as the car pulled into the driveway, she caught sight of the pool, first thing, being lit from beneath the water and then realized she had arrived to this stunning villa. Though she enjoyed her drive around the town, Agnetha thought to herself that she was going to enjoy this place a lot more.

The front door to the villa had opened and entering through first were two toddlers rushing in, just as if the house was already their own. All the adults had either carried or rolled a bag, and being in the grand space they were taken away at its lovely modern design. The first thing their eyes rested upon was the dining table, long enough to seat 12 people. The plates, silverware, and cups were placed at each white seat neatly. The large sea view was what was impossibly hard to miss due to the large floor to ceiling glass panel defining the villa. It gave depth from the indoors to outdoors, where past the open glass window was an infinity pool looking over the city, the sea, and mountains below.

The family were greeted with two chefs in the kitchen as they looked over to the right, a cheery mid age man dressed in a black uniform and a woman younger than him by a few years who was dressed similarly. Their service had been requested in advance since the family had the option to a personal chef, among other services during their stay. They considered it would be a neat idea to have something prepared for them for when they arrive on that first night while the rest of the days they could be settled with cooking on their own. They had 3 kitchens to use, refrigerators stocked with all they needed for a week, and that for them was more than enough.

"Welcome to Chania," they were met with very warm reception, hands held out to be shaken. "My name is Alex, I will be taking care of you this evening along with Sophie," he gestured. "We have a very fine meal being prepared for you per your request for your arrival. Meanwhile we prepare your meal, feel free to settle in and rest until dinner. Dinner will be ready at 9 pm. Is that all okay?"

"Perfectly fine, thank you," they had all said, some still taking in the place, others focused on the conversation.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

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