Sleeping Schedules

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Meerab and Murtasim's lives had been forever transformed by the arrival of their newborn daughter, Meesam

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Meerab and Murtasim's lives had been forever transformed by the arrival of their newborn daughter, Meesam. She was the epitome of sweetness and innocence, with the most captivating features. Her tiny pink lips were always in a delicate pout, her long lashes framed her beautiful brown eyes, and her cheeks were as soft as rose petals. They couldn't help but be utterly captivated by her, their hearts overflowing with love.

Murtasim, in particular, was smitten by his daughter. He would spend hours sitting on the edge of the bed with Meesam nestled before him, talking to her in the gentlest of baby coos. He would carefully count her tiny little toes, his heart swelling with pride and affection. Meerab always watched with adoration as her husband showered their baby girl with love and attention.

However, their perfect little world had a twist. Meesam, like many newborns, had a schedule that didn't quite align with her parents' sleep patterns. She slept peacefully during the day, waking only for her feeds, but when night fell, she became a bundle of restlessness and discontent.

On this particular moonlit night, as the sky outside was bathed in a silvery glow, Meerab and Murtasim lay cuddled together on their bed.

The serenity of the moment was soon interrupted by Meesam's soft whines, her tiny legs fidgeting beneath the tiny pink blanket. Her whimpers escalated into soft cries that pierced the quiet of the night.

Half-awake and exhausted from the day's activities, meerab awoke and looked towards the bassinet, her daughters tiny feet peeking out from the top. Meerab shook Murtasim's arm, which was wrapped around her waist. "Murtasim....utho please, Meesam ro rahi hai," she whispered, her voice laden with weariness.

Murtasim, still half-asleep, shifted closer and tightened his embrace around Meerab. "Hmm, bas do minute," he mumbled, burying his face into the curve of her neck.

Meerab, growing impatient, nudged Murtasim's arm off her. "Murtasiimmm" she chided, a mixture of exasperation and concern in her voice.

As Meesam's cries grew louder and more persistent, Meerab made a move to get up and tend to her. But before she could, Murtasim jolted awake and sprang out of bed. "Acha, acha, sorry. Main dekhta hoon. Tum so jao" he assured her.

Murtasim rubbed his eyes , still heavy with sleep as he made his way to Meesam's bassinet. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the nightlight, casting gentle shadows on the delicate features of his baby girl. He gently scooped her up with both arms, cradling her close to his chest.

"Shh, shh, shh, kya hua? kya hua meri jaan ko?" he whispered, his voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the night. He swayed slowly, trying to lull Meesam back to sleep. But her cries persisted, her tiny face scrunched up in discomfort.

As Murtasim held Meesam close, her head rested on his shoulder, and he inhaled her sweet, baby scent. The bond between father and daughter was palpable, their hearts beating in rhythm as he tried to ease her distress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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