Ultimate Bimbo part 1

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I want you to pay attention to each word...

I want you t believe that every word is true...

Pay attention to each line as you scroll down...

Pay attention to every detail as you read slowly...

You find that each word pulls you in more, and each line pulls your

attention to only these words...

I want you to just sit back and relax...

Look at my words and read to them carefully...

You will begin to feel yourself breathing easier...

Relaxing and breathing in deeply...

In and out...

Breathing softly in...

And breathing softly out...

You will find it easier to just sit back and relax...

You find yourself drifting into a peaceful place, where sand there

Lying with you, and the waves of the ocean are close by...

You can hear the waves now as you drift away...

You feel your body relaxing more and more with each word...

As you scroll down, your body sinks down with each little scrolling drag...

You'll become sleepier and sleepier...

As you scroll down, you find your body sinking into the warm sand beneath you...

As you read the crashing waves against the beach, you feel your mind

being washed away with the currents, being taken out to sea...

As you lay there on the beach, the warm sand caressed your back and

shoulders. Your legs, ankles, hands, neck, and head all are being

massaged by this magical sand...

The cool air blows across your body, giving you the feeling of total

bliss as you relax further and further now...

Relaxing now on the beach as the warm sand takes your body slowly...

Relaxing now as the waves take your mind, which only wishes to read on...

You want to keep reading...

Bliss overflowing your mind and body...

The beach's sand so relaxing and warm....

The beach's air so crisp, so soothing...

The beach's waves so calming as they crash softly into the beach itself...

Become sleepier and sleepier...

Each word sending you deeper and deeper into that bliss you love so much...

Total relaxation...

Total bliss...

Must keep reading...

It's so hard to think as you lay there...

So hard to think as the waves take your thoughts away...

You only want to read on...

You only want to keep scrolling...

Keep reading...

Become sleepier and sleepier...

Keep sinking deeper into bliss...

You want to be hypnotized here on the beach...

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