You really shouldn't read this

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You shouldn't read this, but I think you will. You are drawn to erotic stories about smart young women who find themselves subtly manipulated and conditioned into being controlled, submissive slave girls. So I expect that you'll enjoy reading this, even though you shouldn't.

You love stories where a woman spirals slowly out of her depth into a world where she is inextricably conditioned for slavery; where she probably doesn't even realise it until it is far, far too late.

You particularly love stories where the manipulation involves elements of mind-control or hypnosis.

You especially love stories where you can fantasise that you could be the young woman who is hypnotised. 'There but for the grace of God' and all that. You know that you're smart enough to avoid falling for the conditioning techniques in the stories, but love to fantasise that you could be manipulated that way if you happened to meet such a controller.

I think that you are keen to read another story that fits your fantasies, and I think that this story will be perfect for you, but I should warn you again that you shouldn't read this.

Still reading? I thought so, and I'm pleased that you decided to take this journey with me.

You shouldn't read this, it's not really a story per se, but it is, I would suggest, a fun and interesting discussion about exactly the topics that you find the most exciting and arousing in the erotic stories you so love to read.

We agree that you're excited about the concept of an intelligent young woman, someone who you would think would know better, who finds herself unwittingly as the target for a predatory mind-controller. You enjoy fantasies about how she is manipulated to take one step after another down a path towards enslavement; each step seems simple and makes sense to her at the time.

The woman seemingly should be smart enough to realise what is happening to her, but for some reason doesn't catch on. Perhaps she is too naive to understand that the mind-controller doesn't have her best interests at heart. She probably doesn't even realise that she's being controlled, even when she's finally a naked, collared, slave girl, she might still think that it was all her own choices that brought her there; her own desires and wishes, fulfilling her own fantasies. You know that you would recognise the attempt at manipulation if he'd tried it on you, but it's nice to fantasise to think that you could fall under his spell, just like she did, isn't it? It's a hot, exciting, idea isn't it?

However, maybe there is an extra element of mind-control that clouds her mind and prevents her from realising her predicament. An element that makes her seem naive when her alarm bells should be ringing.

As you read, are you really sure that the reason that she is unable to see through the motivations of the mind-controller is because she is so innocent? Perhaps, it's a deeper story than you imagined, and there are multiple levels of control. One level that's convincing her to be the submissive slave girl; and another one that is more subtle, one that is distracting her own protective instincts from the reality of her situation. Maybe we can think of it like the dose of one anaesthetic that doctors give to numb the pain from the injection of a larger dose of a more powerful anaesthetic.

Oh, that's a new level of fantasy there isn't it. Now, instead of thinking 'I wouldn't fall for that', and still enjoy the fantasy of imagining yourself in the position of the woman in the story; you can imagine that the mind-controller has used some subtle technique first to just numb the part of your mind that warns you against his more powerful mind-controlling manipulation. He uses it so that you don't notice the conditioning that will eventually lead to your complete and total enslavement; and that will mean that you'll be content and happy to be his obedient slave girl when he finally decides to claim you.

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