Start from the beginning

I almost sigh out of relief when I'm interrupted by a bellowing roar, "Leave! Leave and do not come back! I already told you that I do not wish to see anyone! If you cannot follow such a simple order, then I'll take your heart as compensation for bothering me!"

This voice is guarded and rough, but beneath that, I can hear its tremble of pain. I look away from Evander and to the desk. Sitting behind the desk is Dorian, a very tired, brittle Dorian who looks as though he might break from a single tap. His golden eyes which were once as bright as the blinding sun are dim, blankly scanning the book that is clutched in his hands.

The book he's holding has a soft gray cover with no title or author on the front. Despite this, I know exactly what it is. It's my journal, and it hurts like hell to know that he's reading it, almost as if that is the only thing he can hope to grasp onto. is not. I am here, I am...

"I am home, Dori."

His eyes pause on a word in the book after I speak, and then he slowly lets his golden gaze rest upon me. It fills me with that warmth I had been missing, and it drives me to begin rushing toward him. As I run to him, a question rises in his eyes, and his mouth parts.

I'm sure he wants to ask how I have suddenly woken up or why the green of my eyes has reddened, but I don't let him speak. Instead, I lean over the desk, hands snagging the collar of his shirt and tugging him toward me for a kiss. At first, the lips against mine do not move. They remain still as I desperately press against him. Wanting, needing him. And then, I feel those lips crest into a wide smile before I'm engulfed by his desire.

Between our hungry, messy kiss comes his breathless voice, "I have been waiting for you." 

He pulls back from me, lips red and wet. Eyes bright with that golden beauty that I have always adored. Heart pounding with a beat that can only be brought on by happiness. And hands holding mine tightly, as though I might just slip away at any moment.

"I love you, Cyra," He says the three words I have been craving since the moment I was stolen from this world, and then he kisses me again. His tongue breaks past my lips, sweeping over my mouth and leaving me helpless against him until he parted from me. Lightly, he presses his forehead to mine, eyes staring straight into my own. "I love you, my felix culpa."

"I love you too, Dorian," I whisper before I pull him in for another kiss, only for him to resist, suddenly jerking back.

I almost go to question him but he quickly clears my confusion, "Evander, I no longer need you. Please, close the door behind you." He looks away from Evander and to me, a sly smile on his kissable lips. "We're going to be a tad bit noisy until sunrise."

Not even a moment after Dorian says this, the door abruptly shuts. I shake my head, laughing quietly. My laugh is soon muffled by Dorian's lips that press into my own once more. His hands travel over my skin, careful and tender up until the moment my dress falls to the floor. That is when his caution is overpowered by a searing desire that makes his soft kisses turn to hard bites. Sure, his way of showing affection may be a bit rough, and it definitely lacks any shred of careful thought. Yet, I love it all. I love his kisses, his touches, his everything. He is my own vampiric Prince Charming and the love of my very own fucked up fairytale.



Thank you to all of those who stuck with MFUFT all the way to the end! I appreciate each and every one of you, as you truly do make writing worth it! 

Anyway, I'm currently working on planning out another story, and I have the unfinalized blurb, so I figured I might as well share it to hook some people in: 

Medusa Uri has been locked in an abusive relationship for over a year and wants nothing more than her own death. It should have been easy for her to get, if not for the fact that her Guardian Reapers got involved.

The two sinfully attractive Reapers end up taking it upon themselves to force their way into her life, ultimately opening her dark, pain-filled world to the three things she never thought she would ever have:

Love, happiness, and hell-breaking sex.

If you're interested, then be on the lookout for when I release it! Unfortunately, it won't be any time soon since I'm pretty busy at the moment, but it'll definitely be out by the end of 2024. 

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