If I was late to my lectures or to an appointment, my whole day would be thrown off kilter and it was more debilitating than helpful. I'd become stuck on the extreme end of the spectrum. It was an unpleasant time in my life to say the least when I looked back on it.

"It wasn't healthy, what I was doing, and it impacted a lot of my relationships. Of course, no one would like to be controlled down to the seconds, yet it was important for me to have a partner who understood my obsessions and stuck to those boundaries - which was completely unrealistic," I chuckled and Maseo nodded, wincing.

"I started seeing a therapist, got a lot of help and ways to manage my anxiety. Though, a buddy of mine suggested I take a look into the BDSM lifestyle. At first, he'd theorised that I was a submissive, and it might lessen my anxiety and burden if I let someone else take control of my life in a more ordered, more sane way."

Maseo's pretty green eyes widened like gems. "You... were a submissive?"

I laughed. "I tried it out. It was pretty fun, but not at all what I needed. I met a lovely Domme, her name was Yasmine and she took me in for a couple of weeks when I was around the age of twenty-two, trained me as her submissive."

"Holy shit, I can't even imagine it." Maseo whispered, genuinely struggling and I grinned, amused.

"Yeah, it was as bad as you think. I learned about the lifestyle however. I learned that I liked the scenes. It was as though I was transporting into a headspace where the control with another consenting person was healthy and fun. I liked the structure of it all, I liked how orderly it was. She taught me how to use a whip, how to take a whipping. She taught me all the needs of a submissive and I learned how to treat my own boys, from the way she treated me. But you're right, I was a terrible submissive."

The memory was fond.

"I didn't like being told what to do. I'm stubborn, I'm combative and I found her dominance to be more insulting than anything else, because I was in the wrong role. We fought a lot and that's why she's one of my good friends now," I grinned.

"Though I did learn that being dominant and playing with a submissive who consented to my control, gave me a safe place to practise that obsession so that I could be much more flexible and healthy in my personal life. I could dedicate time to satisfying the part of me that craved being in control of time, pleasure and the emotions of myself and my partner and it was healing."

"That's a journey," Maseo agreed, nodding slowly, still obviously trying to process the fact that I'd been a submissive for a small amount of time.

"Yep, and it's still an ongoing one. I'm in a much better space now. I've learned a lot about myself and I've worked hard to be the Master that I am today, but there's always room for growth. I won't lie and say that sometimes traffic doesn't make me squirm if it hinders me from getting to a place on time. I also won't lie and say that I'm not possessive when it comes to the people I care about or my own belongings, but I've come a long way from where I was. I'm able to enjoy life and practise BDSM as a balance. It doesn't hurt that I've developed and mastered a number of kinks along the way. Discipline is my guilty pleasure."

Maseo nodded seriously, then he seemed to come to a quick decision.

"Well, you already know this, but in the house, we each have our own spaces. I haven't put much thought into it, because you've been sleeping with us in my room, but I have my office and Reuben has his 'Reubix cube'. It's a rule that those spaces are private and belong to each of us respectively. Would you like the spare bedroom? You can do whatever you want and have your own space? That way you can keep all your belongings in one place and arrange it however you like? I can look into decorating it and-"

Their Boy Blossomed [MxMxM] (Taming His Blaze 2)Where stories live. Discover now