Chapter 11

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The next day, I'm a little hungover. Not much, but my head hurts enough for me to take medicine.

No regrets, though. I needed those drinks to make it through the night. Fun fact: I like the bride more than the groom. Wally's too...Wally for me to get along great with him.

There's also the fact that he called me Robin the Fifth for three years. Jinx is more...dark. Makes jokes that are actually funny, unlike Wally's stupid jokes.

"Wakey wakey, demon spawn," Todd yells from outside my door.

"I'm awake, Todd!" I scream back.

"B told me to come get you for breakfast. Your girlfriend's already awake," he tells me. Raven is not my girlfriend. Why do people keep saying she is?

"She's not my girlfriend! I'll be down in a minute," I growl.

"Yes, she is!" Todd yells as I hear his steps quickly moving away, presumably to get away before I run his heart through with my katana. Probably the first smart choice Todd has made all week.

"Hello, Baby Bats," Constantine greets.

"F*** off, Constantine," I mutter.

"Bloody, you sound just like Raven when I woke her up this morning," he says, earning a glare from the half demon who's sitting across the table.

"Be very careful, John. I have a lot of blackmail on you," Raven warns him, taking a sip of coffee. Selina smirks at her.

"Good girl," she murmurs.

"Well, I am Constantine's kid. I would bring dishonor to the family if I didn't," Raven tells her.

"Raven, you up for some busting criminals tonight?" Steph asks quite loudly.

"Sadly, if that criminal busting happens here in town, Raven can't go," Constantine interrupts, glaring at his ward, who puts her hands up in surrender.

"Wasn't planning on it, John. Swear on my father."

"You hate your father."

"I do, don't I?"

"Why can't she come?" Steph asks.

"It's Gotham. She's an empath. It would probably kill her."

"Hey!" Raven interrupts.

"Oi, admit it. You would either destroy Gotham or destroy yourself. I think we know which one you would choose to save."

"Well it's hardly my fault that the Joker is still alive torturing people!"

"It's your fault we're here in the first place!"

"Oh, really? How?" Raven asks, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"'re the one in the Justice League!"

"I don't know how Zatanna's put up with you for as long as she has," I hear Raven mutter. I smirk. She may not be my girlfriend, but I do like her.


"Oh, come on, you know she's a goddess just for that."

"Eh, that's fair."

"Hell yeah it is," Zatanna says, appearing in the room.

"See. This is why I like her more," Raven says.

"I'm offended," Constantine tells her.

"I know," Raven winks.

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