Chapter 8

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"So, Raven, what did you do yesterday?" Selina purrs.

"Try to find a soundproofing spell for Constantine and Zatanna. I may be able to heal my physical scars, but not my psychological," Raven says, faking a shiver. Zatanna turns pink.

"Did you find one?" I ask.

"Yes, I did, thank you very much," Raven tells me, looking at me in a way that says she knows I know that she's full of shit.

"And that took all day?" Garfield asks.

"So, how about you being kidnapped. How many times has that happened?" Constantine asks. Raven winces.

"Only like five times," she lies.

"And why didn't we know about this?"

"Because I didn't want to worry you with my problems," Raven says, making eye contact with Selina, who mouths, You're doing great.

"How are you being kidnapped, not our problem?" Zatanna demands.

"Well, I just figured there wasn't a need to alarm you if I could just teleport out of there really quickly," Raven says. Selina looks like she's about to laugh.

"Darling, you truly were very fun to be kidnapped with. It was never the same after you," Selina tells her

"Well, I try. My actions during our kidnapping were purely for your entertainment," Raven says.

"I would really like it if you would stop talking about my daughter getting kidnapped as if it were just a trip to the mall, or whatever you bloody Americans say. It's not normal to be kidnapped," Constantine tells everyone.

"Actually, for some people, it is. Like us, one of us gets kidnapped monthly," I interrupt.

"Yeah, it's because we have to keep up the innocent Wayne look," Jason says.

"How many times have you been kidnapped, Jason? I'm asking for a friend," Raven adds. Jason narrows his eyes on her.

"She can ask me herself," he says.

"She likes my translations better," Raven purrs. I have to keep from laughing. Todd's so easy to rile up.

"Alright, me and the girls have to go," Kori interrupts. The girls all nod. I look at Raven's meal. Once again, the only bite left is the one with the tracker in it. How does she do that? Todd can barely do it, and he's a trained assassin.

"Raven, if you disappear for fourteen hours again you're grounded!" Constantine yells to where all the women, not including Zatanna, exited the room from.

"I'm spending the night! I have to help Jinx!" Raven yells back. Constantine groans and thumps his head on the table.

"That girl's going to be the death of me," he mutters.

"How exactly is she related to you?" Father asks.

"I knew her mother a tad bit, and after she died I got Raven," he says.

"If it was just for a little bit, why'd she leave Raven with you?" Father asks.

"I was the only option. Raven isn't fully human. I'm the closest thing she knew of who could help Raven even a little bit," he tells him.

"What happened to her mother?" I ask.

"She was murdered."

"By who?"

"Her father."


"Because she hid Raven from him."

"Why would she do that?"

"Because Raven's father is a bloody psycho. She wouldn't like it if I said any more than that," he adds before I can ask more questions. I roll my eyes. What's with all her secrets and lying?

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