Chapter 4

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After everyone's through, I close the portal.

"I'm going to bed," I tell them, not looking back. When I get to my room, I lock the door and open a portal to Azarath. A place where I can't destroy any more than I already have. I go to my spot in the ruins, and sit criss-crossed. I start levitating, and close my eyes. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.

Raven... the demonic voice says after about three hours. Ignore it and it will go away. Ignore it and it will go away. Who am I kidding? Trigon won't go away.

I know where you are. You can't fight fate, daughter, it growls.

"Watch me. I'd rather die than help you," I tell him.

You will help me, he swears. All of a sudden, I'm hit by an invisible force. I fly through the air and manage to stop myself right before I hit the wall. I'm hit again and thrown into one of the columns. I'm thrown to the ground. I'm kicked in the stomach. I try to shield myself, but the force breaks it like... I don't know, Constantine's ego. I stumble to my feet and open a portal.


"Will Miss Constantine be joining us for breakfast?" Alfred asks.

"Roth. Her last name is Roth. And yes, she should be here," Constantine says.

"My apologies."

"No biggie, mate. Happens all the time," Constantine tells him.

"I'm curious, why doesn't Raven have your last name?" Tim asks.

"I'm not her father. Her father's a real piece of shit," Constantine tells us. Suddenly, a thud comes from upstairs. Along with the sounds of glass breaking.

"How much do you want to bet that's Raven?" Zatanna asks Constantine.

"Absolutely nothing, love. You always win," Constantine reminds her.

"Is Raven okay?" Dick asks them.

"She'll be fine."

"Dami should go check on her," Jason inputs. I glare. Real subtle, Todd.

"Yeah, Dami should!" Steph says. I roll my eyes.

"I'll be right back," I tell them. Steph gives me a thumbs up. So freaking childish.


I wash the blood off of my face and anywhere visible. When I look in the mirror, I'm already starting to bruise. Sighing, I summon the concealer I bought for reasons like this. I tend not to use my healing powers unless there's a dire emergency. A knock on my door interrupts me.

"Raven? Are you in there?" Damian asks.

"Yeah," I call back.

"Breakfast is ready," he tells me.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute!" I say, applying the concealer. I don't hear him leave. A few minutes later, I open the door to see him leaning against the wall.

"Were you just waiting out here like a creep?" I ask. His eyes narrow on hand.

"What happened?" he demands. I look down to see my hand bruised. I don't even know.

"I hit it this morning," I say, not exactly lying.

"I can tell you aren't telling me everything," he growls.

"You're welcome."

"Why aren't you telling me?"

"I don't know, let's see. I just met you like yesterday, you literally tracked your sister last night, I don't trust you, I already have told you, and you're an ass," I say. He rolls his eyes.


"I don't know what you want me to say! Come on, we're already late for breakfast," I mutter.

"This isn't over, Raven Roth," Damian promises. I scoff.

"I'm sure it's not, Wayne."


She's hurt. The bruise on her hand is too dark for her to have knocked it into something. She's also wearing makeup, which she didn't do yesterday. Almost as if she wanted to hide something. Don't worry, Raven. I'll find out your secret.

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