Chapter 5

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"So, what are your plans for the week?" my father asks, interrupting the awkward silence of the table.

"Wally's wedding is in three days, so we're going to get our dress clothes fitted," Dick tells him.

"Oh, that's nice. Who's the lucky bride?"


"Wait, the villain?"

"The amazing and beautiful sorceress slash queen that Wally is lucky to be marrying? Yes, that's her," Raven inputs.

"You know her too?" Jason demands.

"Of course. Rose does too. We're her maids of honor."

"What? Why didn't Rose tell me?"

"I don't know." Raven shrugs.

"Are there any women in our lives you don't know?"

"Um...I don't know, know any normal people? I probably don't know them," Raven says. Tim groans and hits his head on the table.

"Girls are so annoying," he mutters. Steph hits her ex boyfriend on the head.

"Don't insult us! We're not the annoying ones here!" she scolds. Tim rubs his head.

"Okay, okay, geez. You hit hard," Tim grumbles.

"Of course she does," a familiar voice purrs. Selina Kyle. Not as bad as you would think, actually.

"Who's this?" Gar asks, looking at the doorway where Selina stands black pants and a purple button up blouse. The top three buttons are undone.

"Titans, Constantine, Zatanna, Raven, this is my financeè, Selina Kyle," Bruce says, standing up to put his hand on Selina's waist.

"Pleasure," Selina practically coos.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Kyle," Raven tells her. Jason's jaw drops.

"Hey, Selina," Cass calls over her shoulder.

"Selina, my love, I wasn't aware you would be joining us for breakfast," my father whispers.

"Oh, don't worry, dear. I'm not. I just wanted to meet the guests. Boys, it's lovely to see you again. Cass, Steph, are you both ready for our shopping trip? Why don't we bring the other girls too?" Selina asks.

"Yeah, give us five minutes. Raven, Kori, Donna, you wanna come?" Cass asks the other girls. Kori and Donna nod yes, while Raven shakes her head.

"No, I'm sorry. I have to be somewhere today," she tells them. Cass raises an eyebrow.


"An...acquaintance. It'll take all day. And any trackers you may have slipped in my food or any of my stuff will be offline, so don't bother trying," she adds, mostly to me. Damn. I guess the tracker I put in her food won't do anything. She smirks when she sees my face.

"It was a good effort, but you'll need to do better," she tells me.

"What? Wayne, did your demon spawn try to put a tracker in my daughter?" Constantine demands.

"Calm down, John. I dared him that he wouldn't be able to without me knowing. It's a fair game," Raven lies, stunning me with how believable she sounds. She has experience lying. Especially in the moment lying. Jason, Tim, Dick and I all make awkward eye contact. Raven just continues eating, leaving only the bite with the small, and I mean small, tracker.

"May I be excused, John?" Raven asks. Constantine nods, but still is looking at me suspiciously. Raven gets up and on her way out she whispers something to Selina, making her smile.

"Sure thing, Raven," she replies quietly.

"Thanks. I owe you one," Raven tells her.

"Nah, consider it repayment, Roth," Selina says, winking. Bruce is looking at Raven and Selina, eyes narrowed.

"You know each other?"

"We've had a...brief meeting," Selina tells him.

"You're lying," my father states. Selina gasps in fake offense.

"Is that any way to speak to your future bride?" Selina asks him. He doesn't look amused.

"Is lying the way to speak to your future groom?" my father retorts.

"Fine. We may have  gotten a little bit kidnapped together," Selina says.

"Kidnapped?" my father, Constantine, Zatanna, Dick, and Kori all yell in confusion.

"I said a little bit kidnapped. We got out of there almost immediately," Selina tells us. Raven smacks herself on the forehead.

"I'm leaving," Raven states, before disappearing.

"Oh, were you not aware of that?" Selina asks the others.

"Raven got kidnapped?" Constantine demands.

"Yes. She handled it remarkably well for one of the first times," Selina states.

"First time? How many times has she been kidnapped?"

"Not sure."

"How many times do you know she's been kidnapped?" Constantine asks.

"I think three, maybe four times?"

"And how many times have you been kidnapped?" Bruce demands.

"Like, a dozen times. It's not even fun anymore," Selina mutters angrily.

"Fun? It's not supposed to be fun! That's it, I'm hiring a bodyguard," Bruce states. Selina looks him dead in the eye.

"There are so many holes in that plan, I'm not even going to bother telling you them," she tells him flatly. Steph bites her lip to keep from laughing.

"Ah, it seems the big bad Bat finally found a woman that suits him," Constantine yells, raising his glass. I can tell he's only temporarily forgotten about the Raven kidnappings. I don't know why, but the mere thought of her sarcastic ass getting hurt makes me mad. Weird.

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