Chapter 7

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Where...where am I? I open my eyes to see the room I'm staying in at the Wayne's'.

What happened?

I stand up and see myself in the mirror, able to see my injuries in the dark. I have a gash on my forehead that hurts, and a bunch of small scratches and bruises.

And possibly a concussion. My ankle also hurts. I guess I have to heal. Might as well just fix everything. I close my eyes and focus.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos," I murmur on repeat. When I open my eyes, I look normal. Good. I must've passed out or something. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I stand and walk towards the door. When I open it, the lights in the  hall make me squint.

"Hey, Raven. Where were you yesterday?" Dick asks, just as happy go lucky as ever.

"What? I was here," I mutter.

"No, you weren't. You left right after breakfast," he says.

"Wait, what day is it?" I ask. He looks at me weirdly.

"Uh, thursday. You coming down for breakfast?" Dick asks.

"Wait, it's thursday?"

"Yes. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just...out of it," I lie.

How is it already thursday?

What did I do yesterday?

Why don't I remember it?

"Are you coming down? Constantine and Alfred are asking," he adds. I nod.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a few minutes," I say.  He nods. I shut the door and change into my civilian clothing. 

I see a note on the floor as I'm walking past my bed to the door. I pick it up and it reads: Memory loss. You did it. Don't ask why. Well, I know I wrote this, because this is very obviously my horrible handwriting. So, I know this wasn't an attack from someone else. And if I did it, I must've had a reason. Okay. So, I just need to act like I haven't forgotten anything while forgetting I forgot something.

That doesn't sound complicated at all.

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