Decisions (Bullets pt 2)

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word count: 1,901

word count: 1,901

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.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

It's been almost six hours and you still haven't drank human blood. You're still in transition.  Klaus, Bekah, and Elijah are giving you space. Kol sits right by you as you take everything in.

You don't want to be a vampire.

Falling in love with one? Sure. That was a given the moment you laid eyes on Kol.

Helping them when you could? Absolutely.

Becoming one of them? Maybe part of the family, sure. But an actual vampire? No.

You can't stomach the thought of taking someone's life. In the world you live in, you always took solace in the fact that you don't have to kill anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. You don't want to have to kill to live.

You stare at the wall of yours and Kol's shared bedroom, thinking. Kol does nothing but watch you. He's leaned forward, hands clasped together. Trying to read you.

"What are you thinking, darling?" He asks. You shrug.

"I don't know. My mind is everywhere."

"Yeah, it'll do that during transition. You need to feed." You return your stare to the wall.

"Yeah," you reply quietly. Heavy silence fills the air. Soon it becomes unbearable for Kol. He stands and sits next to you.

"Do you wanna go to the park?" You look over at him and smile for the first time since you were brought back.

"Really? You hate the park."

"Yeah, but if it makes you smile, I'll do anything." Your heart warms... if I have one, you guess. The thought makes you sad again. Kol notices, and he stands, pulling you up with him. He wraps his arms around you. "We'll get through this. You're strong."

"What if I don't wanna be?" you whisper. He squeezes you tighter and plants a kiss on the top of your head.

"C'mon. I got the perfect place."

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

Less than an hour later, you're hiking. You huff as you step on a rock and lose your balance a little.

"You all right there?" Kol calls back in amusement.

"Peachy," you reply. He holds out his hand and helps you across a small stream. "It's beautiful up here." He looks around and nods to himself.

"It is, isn't it?" He doesn't let go of your hand as you finish hiking up the hill. Once you're at the top, you hold your other hand out. He chuckles and pulls a bottled water out of his bag and hands it to you. You chug half before handing it back. He throws it back in his bag and wraps an arm around your shoulder. "Look." You follow his finger and stop breathing.

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