t h i r t y t w o

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Felix woke up due to the sound of his phone ringing. He sighed in annoyance as he picked his phone up from his bed stand. Whoever dared to wake me up from my precious power nap definitely has a special place in hell. Felix thought, but his expression soon changed as he saw the contact.

Old chicken nugget. Felix giggled as he saw the contact. I really need to change that. He thought to himself. But first let me answer the call.

(Bold is Hyunjin
Normal is Felix)

"Hello? Felix?"

"Yes Hyunjin?"

"Are you busy?"

"No not really. Did you need something?"

"Yes. You."

"Oh shut up!"

"Anyways get ready. I'm picking you up in 30 minutes for a date."

"Wait what!?"

"What's wrong? Are you busy?"

"No not really."

"Great then I'm picking you up. Get ready."

"Okay give me a few minutes."

"Alright bye love!"

"Bye my dumpling."


Before Hyunjin could say anything Felix hung up and started to get ready. After thinking about it for a while he decided to wear blue jeans with a plain white shirt and paired it with a silver chain necklace. He styled his hair and waited for Hyunjin.

As he waited he decided to finally change Hyunjin's contact on his phone.

sure you want to save
this number as
"My dumpling ♡"?
Yes or No

Felix smiled at the contact. Dumpling. It suits him. Felix thought as he looked at the name saved on his phone. Felix was soon brought back to reality when he heard the door bell ring.

He opened the door to see a smiling Hyunjin waiting outside holding a bouquet of lilies. "How's my boyfriend doing?" Hyunjin asked as he stepped into Felix's house with a bright smile plastered across his face.

Felix blushed when he heard what Hyunjin had called him. "I'm doing good, what about you?" Felix replied.

"Much better now that I saw your face." Hyunjin flirted. "These are for you." Hyunjin said as he handed the flowers over to Felix.

"Thank you Hyunjin." Felix replied as he took a snif of the flowers, smiling at their pleasant sent.

Hearing a familiar voice, Sunnie rushed out excitedly and started running around Hyunjin, happy to see the other again. Hyunjin bend down and started showering the dog with all his pets and love.

"Someone's excited to see you again." Felix mentioned as he watched Hyunjin and Sunnie together, both looking quite happy with each other's company.

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