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The soul I have given up on
If you were my math homework
I would slam you against my desk
and do you all night

My baby boy<3
Hello I am his boyfriend
and I would appreciate
it if you stop texting my

The soul I have given up on
Oh wait I am so sorry

I'll not text him again

My baby boy<3
Hello this is his friend

Just wanted to say he doesn't
have a boyfriend and he send
you that text himself

The soul I have given up on

Thank you so much Jeongin I
bet you are a cutie ;)

My baby boy<3
I already got a boyfriend
so no

The soul I have given up on
Damn ok fine I was just seeing
if I had a chance

My baby boy<3
Yeah yeah whatever bye

The soul I have given up on
Bye :)
Seen at 3:09 pm


My baby boy<3
I am so sorry my friend
stole my phone-

What did he tell you

The soul I have given up on
Nothing much other than the
fact that your boyfriend is non

My baby boy<3
Of course my boyfriend is

The soul I have given up on
Then what's his name

My baby boy<3

Yeah totally I'm dating
Jackson Wang from China

The soul I have given up on
You sure about that cause the
last time I checked he was dating

My baby boy<3
I thought Mork Lee
was dating haechan tho-

The soul I have given up on
Wrong Mork dude

I'm talk about Mark Tuan

My baby boy<3
I keep forgetting Mork Lee
is not the only Mork

The soul I have given up on
The fact that I can't even blame

That dude's literally everywhere

My baby boy<3
Istg sm needs to give
him a break

The soul I have given up on
Ikr he deserves it

My baby boy<3
Now that I think about
it you are not that bad
to talk to

And I'll be honest I'm not
dating Jackson Wang

The soul I have given up on
Thank you :)))

And I knew that

You sure you want to save
this number as
"Not Jackson's bf"?
Yes or No

Not Jackson's bf
Yk what I take it back

You are pretty annoying

The soul I have given up on
I just took one breath-

Not Jackson's bf
Yes now stop breathing

The soul I have given up on
Mean :((((

Not Jackson's bf
I know
Seen at 3:17 pm

Also happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈 💕

1st June 2022

WC: 459

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