Love At First Sight

Start from the beginning

“I don’t know how I could explain that to you. I have never come across anything as such. But my son only went there with my two betas today.” This is getting strange.

After another ten minutes of walking we were at the forest. Obviously we are going in there. I we getting excited. I haven’t been in a pack for many years. I felt like a little school girl going on her first date. Not that I would know what going on a date felt like. As Joe and Jim never let me go on dates or anything.

“We’re here.” I looked out in front of me to see at least five hundred people standing. I didn’t know there were this many wolfs in the pack. Ah there it is again that smell. I looked around trying to find the source. I looked but still couldn’t find it. After Alpha Tim told everyone I was part of the pack I started walking around meeting new people. The smell was getting stronger and stronger.

James POV

Dad organised a gathering in the forest so everyone could meet the newest member. I was getting really excited I love meeting new people. When I got there dad and the new member were just arriving. I couldn’t help it but he was the best looking guy I have ever seen in my life. He also had a wonderful scent. I wanted to run up to him and jump into his arms. My wolf was trying to get out but I wouldn’t let him. He started looking around but I hid behind people when he was looking my way. I didn’t want him to see me.


It can’t be. He can’t be our mate. It just doesn’t work like that. But whatever he is, he is like a god. I will have to ask my dad after. Dad was telling everyone about the new guy. His name is Felix, which is such a cute name for a cute guy. What is happening to me? He has blue eyes, I wonder what his wolf looks like, and I bet it will be an amazing wolf. Dad finished introducing him, I went to go and talk to dad but my wolf was starting to take over, he was leading me to Felix. This can’t be happening. I looked up and saw my dad watching me with a huge smile on his face. Ok he knows something that I don’t.

After five minutes of fighting with my wolf Felix was standing in front of us. We didn’t say anything all we did was staring into each other’s eyes. The next thing I knew was we were hugging. Not a friendly hug more of a boyfriend girlfriend hug. He smelt so nice.

“Hello I’m Felix and you are?”

“I know you have an amazing name. I’m James.”

“Amazing name for an amazing guy.” Ok I wasn’t expecting that at all. We started talking but one thing was bugging me so I had to ask.

“Felix, did your wolf say anything when you saw me?”

“Yes I practically yelled out mate. Do you know what it means?”

“Nope I was going to ask my dad but my wolf brang me to you instead.” We both walked over to my dad to find out what it meant. I couldn’t help but look at Felix every now and then; sometimes I would catch him looking at me. When he realised he would blush. What a turn on.

“Dad I have a question and need it answered now.”

“You dad is the Alpha?”


“What question do you have son?”

“When I saw Felix and Felix saw me for the first time both of our wolfs said ‘mate’ what does that mean?”

“Well son, Felix. I do believe you two just found your soul mates.” I knew he knew something that I didn’t.

“What! But dad how is that possible, we are both guys. But Felix is an amazing looking one.”

“Son it doesn’t matter what gender you are, it is who was for you so that’s that.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I’m gay, well my wolf is anyway. I walked off ignoring the protests from my wolf. I can’t believe it my mate is a guy. I was walking for ages until I heard someone behind me. I stopped and turned around to only find Felix.

“How long have you been looking for me Felix?”

“A long time, I never knew you were a guy though. I left something on the edge of your territory; I’m guessing you found it because it is no longer there.”

“Yes I found it. I have a feeling that my dad new we were mates when he met you because he came home and smelt it and walked off with a grin on his face.”

“Oh, but aren’t you glad that you finally found your mate? I am, even though you are a guy.”

“Yea I am pretty glad actually.” I didn’t realise what I was doing until my lips made contact with his. It felt amazing, not like kissing the girls at school, it was like I could kiss his lips forever. I wanted more, I licked his bottom lip to deepen the kiss but he pulled away instead.

“I’m, sorry I can’t not for a while.” He looked so sad.

“It’s ok, but can I you know like mark you, so everyone knows your mine please?”

“Sure go for it.” I did exactly that, I licked his neck where I was going to put my mark. I then bit down to hear him scream, it wasn’t a painful scream but more of pleasure. I bet everyone heard it to. He tilted his neck so I had better access. Once I was done I withdrew my teeth, and licked the wound healing it, it left a scar though. It was on sexy scar though. We sat down at the base of a tree. Felix sat in between my legs. I rested my hands on his stomach but he winced in pain.

“I’m sorry. Are you ok?”

“Yea I’m fine. Just have a saw stomach.”

“Is it, can I have a look?” I went to lift up his shirt but he got up and backed away from me.

“Don’t know it looks hideous. I don’t want you to be ashamed of me.” He turned around so he wasn’t facing me.

“Look I’m sorry, but I can help if you show me. I won’t be ashamed of you either I promise.” I turned him around to face me and kissed his lips. He sighed into my mouth.

“But it looks disgusting.”

“I don’t care, just show me please?” He sighed and slowly lifted up his shirt. I was shocked to see the yellow bruise on his stomach.

“What happened?” I pulled him into a tight hug.

“Jim did it. My adoptive father that was only some of the things they did.” My shoulder was getting damp, he’s crying.

“Shh its ok don’t cry. They can’t do anything to you here.”

“I have nightmares about it though, they never go away ever.”

“Well let’s go back to my house and we will talk about it all then ok.” He nodded in to my shoulder and then looked into my eyes. I couldn’t help it but had to kiss him. I lent in and he closed the gap between us. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I granted by opening my mouth for him to slip in his tongue. He dominated the kiss, without even having to try. We both pulled away breathless and started walking to my house hand in hand.

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