Dont move...

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The next day, you and Ibis made absolute fools of yourselves and didn't care one bit.

Sure, Zubeia have you weird looks and laughed at the two of you more than once, but that didn't matter to the two of you one bit. You were happy and that was all that mattered to the two of you.

Ibis sighed contently before letting himself sink to the bottom of the small natural occurring pool of water the two of you were in. You'd found it once when you were exploring the caves of the storm spire.

You dove after him, letting yourself come level with him at the bottom of the pool. He smiled and casted a spell that brought air to the two of you from the surface. You smiled and shook your head. He always knew how to make your experiences with him unforgettable.

You swam back up to the surface knowing that he would fallow you. Once you resurfaced, you splashed him, starting a war which he was happy to be a part of.

When the two of you were done fooling around in the water you both climbed out and Ibis used his magic to dry you both off. You then took his hand and left the cave. "I think I heard your- our parents mention something about heading back to their cabin soon."

Ibis nodded. "They've been here for a long time I wouldn't be surprised if they intended to head back home." He let go of your hand to then return to link his arm with yours. "Y/n, did I ever tell you that I'm glad I found you that day, halfway up the storm spire?"

You kissed his cheek. "No, but I know that you are..."

He smiled. It didn't take a genius to know that this elf was head over heels in love, for you.

"You're incredible, crazy, but incredible."

You smiled, running off with him chasing you. "Catch me if you can!"

He chuckled and ran after you. "Y/n get back here!"

Zubeia shook her head as you ran beneath her and hid behind her left front leg. "Protect me!" You begged.

The dragon queen smiled and next thing the two of you knew, you were hiding from the dragon queen as she and Zym searched high and low for you.

Zym drug you out into the open before tackling you. It was a surprise to see Zubeia playing and acting like a hatchling. Her tail was actually wagging and you had to duck more than once to avoid being hit by the powerful thing.

The four of you looked at one another before Zubeia burst into laughter. "Don't let king Ezran know I behaved worse than Zym usually does!" She said when her laughter had died down a bit.

You smiled. "We won't."


Once the time for goofing off came to an end, Ibis had important matters to attend to and Zym was becoming antsy, he wanted to stretch his wings and play some more. The poor thing had been sitting still for nearly an hour now.

You offered to take Zym to the bottom of the storm spire so he could play for a bit and not get in the way of anything important. Zubeia thought it was a wonderful idea and so you went to take Zym to the bottom of the spire.

You hadn't gone far before Pyrrah (the dragon Soren had shot down in season two) landed before you.

How you had met her the first was an interesting story. She often spent hours at the storm spire (mainly because she had become close with team Zym). It had been one of those days where everything had just piled up and you felt the urge to just scream. You had slipped  away for some quiet and had stumbled across her. She was laying curled up in a spot where the sun was on her back. At first you had thought she was asleep but she lifted her head and looked at you skeptically.

When she found you weren't a threat she moved over, allowing for you to sit as well.

Ibis later found you asleep leaning against the dragon's dark red scales.

She lowered herself and you climbed upon her back. She then jumped down and flew to the bottom of the storm spire with Zym at her side.

Once the three of you were at the bottom of the spire, Zym ran in circles around Pyrrah who didn't seem to mind at all. She had a soft spot for the baby dragon and was awful at hiding it.

Zym looked up at her and chirped happily, giving her a bright dragon smile.

Pyrrah let out a sigh before playing with the little dragon. As much as she didn't want to admit it, there was still a childish side to her.

You smiled and sat in the grass, watching the two play and chase one another. You jumped when suddenly, your mouth was covered. "Don't move..."

Ibis x Reader part 1 1/2 Where stories live. Discover now