Fear and care

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"Ibis! Ibis please don't do this to me!!" You begged as you desperately tried to resuscitate him. "Please... I love you..."

You grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Don't you dare leave me!" You ordered, wrapping him in your arms and rocking back and forth.

Then he lurched and coughed before blinking his blue-grey eyes. "Y-y/n?" He moaned.

You sighed with relief and held him tighter. "Please don't scare me like that. I thought I'd lost you," you sobbed into his shoulder as you held him.

He responded with a moan and leaned into your embrace. "I'm exhausted..."

You kissed his forehead. "Then get some rest..." You whispered, trying to hide your concern.

He grabbed your hand and let out a sigh. "Why am I so tired?"

"It must have been the storm. You must have got sick from it."

Ibis moaned and shifted onto his side before looking at you. "I love you," he mumbled before letting himself fall asleep.

He was so adorable when he was asleep. You just couldn't help but kiss his forehead once more.

You paced ibis' room, you didn't want to leave him after the events they just took place. What if he stoped breathing again? What if you couldn't resuscitate him this time? What if-

You shook your head. You were going to worry yourself to death at this rate. You needed to find a distraction. But what?

Ibis stirred a bit and you looked over at him with worried eyes. You needed him to be alright, he just had to be.

You thought about sending a messenger bird to find Zubeia, but then again that could take hours maybe even days, who knew where she was or when she was coming back? You continued to pace, worrying yourself something awful.

You sat in a chair and stared at him as he slept, your eyelids growing heavy until you finally fell asleep.

You woke to the sound of Ibis coughing. You looked up. He was now sitting in the bed, book in hands as he covered his cough.

You stood and placed the back of to hand on his forehead. His temperature wasn't as high now and that brought you a bit of relief.

You sat next to him on the bed and he nuzzled up to you, letting the book slip from his fingers and fall onto his lap. He closed his eyes as you gently ran your fingers through his fluffy hair. He mumbled something in draconian before falling asleep.

You wrested your head on top of his and fell asleep also, felling a bit better now, knowing that his temperature was much lower.

You weren't sure how long you had been asleep but when you opened your eyes, Rey and Ragnar were standing in the doorway of ibis' room, smiles on there face. You moaned and closed your eyes again.

"Look at sleepy little babies." Rey said in baby talk.

You opened your eyes and raised a brow. "Really?"

Ibis stirred a bit before coughing which caused him to wake and rub his sore throat.

Rey walked over and placed the back of her hand on Ibis' forehead and then yours before frowning. "Stay here..." she whispered, walking over to Ragnar and whispering something.

He frowned and the two left. "We'll be back soon, stay put."

Ibis just closed his eyes and leaned into you. "Tired..." he muttered softly as you pulled the blanket over his shoulders.

You nuzzled into him, sharing your body warmth with him before closing your eyes, waiting for Rey and Ragnar to return.

When they did return you were struggling to stay awake. You must have gotten sick too and not realized it. Ibis let you know he was still awake by gently squeezing your hand.

You smiled and squeezed back before adjusting the pillows and letting ibis wrest his head on your chest, burying himself almost completely under the blankets.

Rey chuckled and moved the blanket so she could see ibis' face. "I know your tired but I need you to drink this first."

Ibis opened his eyes, looked at the cup of tea in his mother's hands and sighed. He sat up and took the beverage, quickly gulping it down before hiding beneath the blankets again.

Rey smiled and handed you a cup. "You too, come on..."

You took the cup and drank the warm tea before slumping back into the pile of pillows and relaxing your body as ibis let out a tiny snore.

You smiled and kissed the top of his head that was poking out from under the blanket.

Rey brushed the hair out of your eyes and sighed. "Get some wrest, I'll come and check on the two of you in a bit."

You smiled and closed your eyes, letting your exhaustion take over and send you to a deep sleep.

Ibis x Reader part 1 1/2 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora