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You traveled quickly across the xadian border. And that's when the storm came. A storm more violent than you had ever seen. "There's a cave up ahead we can hide in!" You shouted over the wind that threatened to push you down.

The four of you ran as fast as you possibly could.

"Everyone stick together!" Ibis shouted as he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the cave. His parents fallowed close behind and you all sat huddled close together and shivering.

"It's f-freezing." You said as your teeth chattered.

Ibis wrapped his arms around you, giving you his body warmth. "I've got you."

You trembled as you nuzzled into his chest to stop yourself from freezing.

"How is there lightning in a snow storm?" Rey asked.

[lightning during a snowstorm is called thundersnow it is a rare phenomenon. The most common places for them to occur are Colorado Front Range, upper Great Plains, and the Great Lakes where wind turbines generate electricity.]

You shivered and stared as ibis dug through his bag for the blankets.


When you woke, you where in ibis' arms, still shivering slightly. The blanket was pulled tightly around the two of you.

He had his head on top of yours as he also shivered. You nuzzled closer and he woke. "Y/n?"

You kissed his nose which was pink from cold. "W-we have to get somewhere warm..." you said through chattering teeth.

He nodded and woke Rey and Ragnar. "We have to go, we'll freeze to death if we stay here."

None have you had any winter cloths. It was the beginning of fall it shouldn't have been snowing. It was like the universe wanted to trap you in that cave to die.

The four of you trudged through the snow. It was a little passed noon and you were all shaking. You knew none of you would last long in this weather.

Suddenly, a huge shadow came over the four of you. It was Zubeia she landed next to you. "Alright everyone get on..." she said, also shivering slightly.

The four of you climbed onto her back and she flew to the storm spire. You were relieved to finally be somewhere warm and safe. You immediately went and sat in front of the fire to warm yourself.

Ibis collapsed next to you in the large chair and instantly fell asleep after sneezing.

You pulled him closer and kissed his cheek.

He smiled in his sleep and nuzzled closer to your warm body.

You sat nuzzled up to him for over an hour but your stomach had other plans so you left to eat then you passed out in the first comfortable place you could find.


The next day, you woke earlier than you thought you would. You roamed about, not doing anything in particular. The view was amazing, everything was covered in white.

You waited for Ibis to wake, he was normally up before or with the sun but it was nearly ten o'clock and he still hadn't woke. Was he really that tired?

You shrugged at the thought. Perhaps the weather had an effect on the elves. But then again, Rey and Ragnar had woken hours ago and had disappeared somewhere in the spire. You went to ask Zubeia about it, then you remembered she left to search for anyone else who may have gotten trapped in the storm. Zym was away with Ezran on some mission and you were alone.

Boredom was going to take over eventually so you decided to try and read. That didn't last long, so you went to check on Ibis. Perhaps he was awake, just doing something.

You knocked on his door, no answer. Slowly you opened it. "Ibis?"

In the bed lay a shivering elf laying under a thick blanket. He coughed before shivering again.

You frowned and walked over to him. You gently placed the back of your hand in his forehead but quickly recoiled. He was burning up.

You rolled him onto his back and gasped. Nearly all the color had drained from his face.

"Ibis?" He didn't stir. "Ibis, wake up!" You shook him to try and wake him. Nothing.

His breathing was shallow and uneven. You checked his pulse. It was much slower than it should have been.

"Ibis please." You whispered.

He still didn't respond. You ran and got a cool cloth for his head and a hot cup of tea. You ran back and placed the cloth on his forehead then tried to wake him again. Nothing.

His breathing became more rugged and uneven, stoped...

To be continued...

Ibis x Reader part 1 1/2 Where stories live. Discover now