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A short paragraph Nick wrote when he was 14. He is narrating the words he wrote ergo the breathes.

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What is the purpose of moving to a new neighborhood?


"It will be a different society there."
It's still a society.

"We could live a perfect life there."
The world isn't a utopia.
Don't expect it to be or ever be.

"You and I. The house will all be ours."
I cannot see your point.

"Nick, aren't you happy?"
How could I be now?


I was born out of the now defunct love of a woman and a man. That woman was my mother. That man was my father. Whether I wanted to be produced or not was not up to me.

They had chosen to keep me before I entered this world. Maybe, at that time, they were excited at the idea of expanding their family.


They were happy to welcome another child.

The thought of having a sibling must have allured the other too...as he says.


A son was born
three years ahead of me.

Unlike me, he was born out of
the stupidity of a man and a
woman. That woman is my mother.

But that man is not my father.


The three of them (my father, mother and her son) eagerly waited to greet me, not knowing how hypocritical they'd look like in the next years.

But after I exited the womb of my mother.....


I immediately became a bird trapped in a cage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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