Chapter 26 - Jungkook

Start from the beginning

"Bawi-bo-gawi!" They all chanted in unison, aside from Yoongi who would wait for his turn. Jungkook slyly grinned when he won against Jimin. The latter threw his hands in the air in annoyance.

"Seriously?!" He exclaimed, pouting because he lost.

They kept taking it in turns, with the losers being eliminated. In the end, Jungkook and Hoseok ended up winning the game. The others all mumbled in defeat but managed to plaster happy smiles on for them.

"Okay, I'll message Freya and see if she can get Madeline to go on a walk soon," Namjoon said, already pulling his phone out.

Jungkook felt his heart rate spike. He was beyond excited to see her again and talk to her. Since he'd have Hobi with him—someone who now understood English thanks to the bond—he'd be able to translate. Madeline knew how to speak Korean since she was bonded to four of them but she never did.

He assumed she wanted to avoid the bond as much as possible. Including using the many advantages it came with.

At that moment, Jungkook promised himself he would fight no matter what. He would not let her go.


THREE DAYS LATER, Hobi and Jungkook found themselves in a small local park, waiting for Madeline and her brother to arrive.

Freya had messaged Namjoon the night before, informing him that Madeline planned to go for a walk with Dash the following day. When Jungkook heard the news that evening, his heart sang with joy.

For three days, he had been nervously waiting for a reply from Freya. As the second day rolled over, he started to worry he wouldn't hear from her for a while. But alas, just as he was starting to lose hope, the message came.

They were both dressed in casual clothing, wearing black bucket hats. They brought masks with them just in case but so far, nobody had recognized them. It was a big risk for them but they wanted the meeting to seem as natural and real as possible. Wearing a mask would remind her of their status and could even push her away.

Hobi suggested sitting on a bench close to the entrance. Since they didn't want to miss seeing her, they both arrived fifteen minutes early. Nervousness floated between the two of them. Jungkook leaned forward and rested his elbows on his legs, breathing heavily.

To help alleviate his stress, Hobi patted his back softly.

"Remember, this is only the beginning. Even if it doesn't go that well, we have time." Hobi reminded him in a gentle tone.

Jungkook nodded his head, repeating his hyung's words in his head. "Yeah, you're right. I'm glad we get to see her already. I feel bad for the others though..."

Hobi hummed in agreement, "They're probably lowkey rolling in jealousy right now."

Jungkook laughed lightly at the thought. Just before they left, the other five gave them words of encouragement. Jungkook didn't miss the glints of envy in their eyes as they left. He really did feel bad for them.

"I see her," Hobi suddenly blurted out, jumping to his feet. Jungkook whipped his head to the right and spotted her instantly.

She was wearing light blue mom jeans and a baggy white jumper. Despite her tired appearance, she still looked gorgeous to him.

She didn't seem to notice them at first. Jungkook knew that they were blindsiding her since she had no idea what this walk was actually about. But he had to push past his guilt if he wanted to get to know her.

When she did notice, she faltered and turned to Dash in surprise. Dash smiled at her reassuringly, encouraging her to give this a chance. Jungkook held his breath and waited to see whether she would approach them or not. They couldn't force her to stay—she had to decide that she wanted to be there.

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