- Did I make you hang up? Mac asked and Ohm smiled.

--No, he has some things to do too, Ohm replied, before looking up at Mac's face and smiling.

--Just be patient. Soon, I will be ready to present it. Stop making that face, Mac, Ohm joked, then smiled a little.

A/N:- ok...get it right? Ohm is part of the secondary couple in this book. Who is the other person? You will find out on the course.

Mac walked into the kitchen and Ohm followed.

Do you want to warm it up? Ohm asked about the prepared food.

--No need, we can eat it like this, Nan said before serving the rice on a plate for Mac, making Mac sit and wait.

-I wonder if you were too vigorous last night. Is that why you're thanking Mac today? Ohm was teasing Nan because he normally let Mac serve his own rice.

Nan lifted a mischievous smile from the corner of his mouth and Mac's face turned bright red.

-- It is not your job. Mac couldn't help but turn to curse his friend for embarrassing him.

- Ha..., so mean. Ohm is back.

Mac could only look at his friend. He didn't want to say anything else for fear of being teased back harder than before.

Nan brought Mac a plate of rice, so they sat down and ate together. Ohm sat down with them to talk about today's rafting.

Ohm said they should wait and see if they could go rafting in the afternoon.

--Now that we've finished eating, what are we going to do next? Mac asked.

--Go to bed, you can take a break and rest, Ohm said, because in addition to his studies, Mac also worked part-time, and when he returned to Thailand, Ohm wanted his friend his to be able to rest comfortably.

--If you raft in the afternoon, do you think you'll be fine? Ohm asked bluntly as he knew his two friends must have been busy during the night.

Ohm was worried about Mac's body. He had noticed the marks on Mac's neck and the way he was walking, which was enough to know that it had been a pretty vigorous love session.

"I'm fine," Mac replied, not wanting to be provoked.

We'll see about that again later this afternoon, Ohm said with a smile.

– So what are Aon and Off looking for in the resort? Mac asked about the two children.

--They went to help with some small tasks. They came here to study and learn, Ohm said with a smile.

Mac nodded, and when he finished eating, Nan offered to do the dishes herself, leaving Mac to sit and talk to Ohm in the living room.

--Damn, I can see that bastard likes to piss you off, but he loves you and really cares about you. Nice to see him like this, Ohm praised.

--It would be nice if they could tone down the teasing a bit, Mac said with a light laugh.

- But you like it, don't you? Ohm continued to ask, causing Mac to pause slightly, but his lips still turned up in a smile.

--Yes, but I don't want him to know that. Otherwise, he would challenge me even more than before, Mac said back.

Ohm smiled before the two continued to talk about studies and friends.

- Ah, those scoundrels also wanted to come, but they didn't dare to call you, said Ohm about the friends who studied abroad with them.

--Why? Mac asked back.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now