Mask of Falsehood

Start from the beginning



"Just a sign of agreement, as usual if there is a service there is a fee. MCA hired the mountain bandits to attack and rob the train carrying the crops. It's just that I don't know which company was their target."

Griffon had always been the inquisitive one, a natural observer, and gatherer of information. His duty extended beyond combat - he was Victor's eyes and ears when the situation required reconnaissance or intelligence gathering. Now, perched on Victor's shoulder, Griffon's sharp eyes surveyed the surroundings, and his keen senses absorbed the subtlest of sounds and movements.

"Coffee and tea? Why did MCA rob that?" Victor was confused.

"I don't know for sure. Alright, next... the headline from Griffon News today. The Ruler of the White Tower, Yukime the Spirit Fox was seen visiting Midgar last night" the second news really sparked Victor's curiosity.

"Yukime came to Midgar? For what? Does she intend to kidnap teenage girls to work in the pleasure district?" He's joking.

"I don't think so, maybe it's a business matter because she recently founded a corporation called Snow Fox Corp." Griffon replied. "You know, Griffy. I have no experience in business, economics, trade, and such as. We have never run out of money because of my father's inheritance which has existed for thousands of years until now..." Victor got up from his seat and walked towards the mansion.

"But... if this trade issue has the potential to cause problems and threats for civil society, I have to intervene"

"Woah, now I see another side of you, Vic"

"What are you talking about? This is me. Nothing changed. By the way, thanks for the info" Victor appreciated Griffon's diligence. He knew that while he could trust his own instincts and skills, having Griffon's insight and reports made them an even more formidable team. He patted the bird's feathers gently, silently expressing his gratitude for Griffon's service.

"Ain't nothing, big boss"








As Victor left the tranquil surroundings of his mansion, he made his way towards Midgar, a place where he wore multiple masks - a student, a knight, and a hero concealed in the shadows. Midgar Academy, with its bustling corridors and the hum of student life, was his cover, a place where he pursued knowledge and honed his skills.

The sun cast a warm, golden hue over the city, painting its buildings and streets in a gentle light. Victor navigated through the familiar path, nodding or greeting the occasional passerby. In the eyes of the world, he was just another student, blending in seamlessly with his peers.

Balancing the life of a student and a knight was challenging, but it was a role Victor had willingly taken on. He knew the importance of maintaining this balance to protect the people and the city he cared about. So, he continued his journey, striving to excel in both his academic pursuits and his covert life as a protector, the unsung hero of Midgar.

Victor stepped off the train, observing the unique attire of Midgar's residents with a curious expression. He muttered to himself, "Suits with ties, that's an interesting trend."

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