Chapter Fifty Six - Varis

Start from the beginning

"Varis, do you care to explain what happened on the day of the selection?" Harwyn asks, looking up at me and I nod once, taking a step closer.

"We believe we were attacked by the Nievenyth kingdom Your Majesty."


"Prince Arden's visit was not one of peace, we believe he plotted his visit so that he could inhabit the dreams of Queen Marlia and plant a seed so that on the day of the selection she would attack you and throw the selection into chaos." I listen to the words as I speak them, even hearing them after days of knowing the truth still causes a shudder of guilt and anger to course through me.

"How do we know this?" Harwyn asks with his hands on his knees.

"Mother wasn't the only one attacked." Alvaryn explains. "Dae was attacked as well, only she was attacked by nightmares, Quirin was the one to look at her after the attack, he sensed a foreign magic, nightmares were filling her mind and forcing her into an unconscious state. We know Arden has the ability to enter dreams and nightmares when close enough, he had spent days here in the palace and was close enough to Dae and Mother. He was clear in his aversion to us choosing future princesses and Queen from the human women and we believe he and his brother planned this attack so we couldn't."

"Who is Dae?" Harwyn asks, looking up at his sons.

"Daella, one of the chosen." Aeris answers.

"Why would he attack her?" He asks confused.

Aeris looks at Alvaryn then back to his father.

"We believe he was able to see into my dreams and see that I was intending to choose Daella at the selection, he wanted to make sure that couldn't happen. He may have intended to do the same thing to Demwyn and Alvaryn as well but he was not able to see who they were going to choose." Aeris answers, something in his stance and the way he speaks catches my attention. Though his very person has changed so much of late, no longer the arrogant whore mongering layabout, I wonder if this is just another change and not something more.

"And this Daella, what has happened to her?" Harwyn asks, looking at Aeris.

"She has woken up and is recovering, Mother woke up yesterday morning as well, Oenus says she is recovered." Aeris answers, his arms behind his back.

"Father, the council is aware of everything we know. No demands have been made, mother and Daella remember the same thing, moments before the attack everything was normal and then darkness. I have secured the palace and the Kingdom and sent out extra patrols to our borders." Demwyn says taking a step forward.

"Good, good." Harwyn nods.

There is a knock at the door before it opens and Oenus walks in.

"Apologies your Majesty for the delay." He bows before approaching the bed.

"I want a council meeting set for first thing tomorrow morning." Harwyn announces while Oenus begins his examination, his hand hovering over the Kings head with eyes closed and face calm.

"Of course Your Majesty." I bow at his demand. "I will have messages sent immediately."

"I want our allies notified as well of the attack so they can be prepared."

"Yes Your Majesty." I nod again.

"If all you have said is true then Nievenyth will not be allowed to remain in power, they have crossed a line, we welcomed them into our Kingdom and into our home. For them to betray is in this way is an act of war and one I will not take lightly. It has been many years since we were at war, but I know that you my sons will do your duty to protect our Kingdom and it's people as you always have."

"Of course Father." The three answer in response, heads bowed.

"Now go and get some rest all of you, tomorrow will be a long day and I fear the days following will be the same." Harwyn says looking up at the Princes.

They each nod in return before leaving the room.

"Your Majesty, is there anything you require from me?" I ask, taking another step closer.

"Oenus?" Harwyn says quietly.

"Yes Your Majesty, all finished. Your body is still recovering from the attack but it seems as though all the foreign magic has left your body. You will need rest but I expect a full recovery." He answers quietly.

"Thank you, that will be all for tonight." Harwyn replies.

"Yes your Majesty. And Queen Marlia is by all accounts recovered Your Majesty, I have been seeing to her myself."

"Thank you for your service Oenus." Harwyn says patting his arm gently.

"Of course your Majesty. I will return in the morning." With that he bows and leaves the room.

"Varis, I want you to send your spies out to every inch of land, I want to know how long they have been planning this attack, who is involved and what they plan to do next. They attacked my wife and my family in my own home, I intend to make sure they suffer the full consequences for their actions." His voice is low and dark, a tone I am familiar with but have not heard in sometime.

"Of course Your Majesty, my spies have been working tirelessly but so far have heard nothing. I will continue to send more until I have answers." I reply.

"How could this have happened in my own home?!" He snaps, standing suddenly to sway slightly. I move towards him but he holds his hand up to stop me. "I should have listened to you Varis, you told me to wait, you warned me to wait until after the selection but I did not listen, I was so enamoured by the idea of peace that I invited our attacker into our home with open arms." He reaches out, holding onto the post of the bed, letting out a heavy sigh.

"No one saw this happening, if anyone is at fault it should be me your Highness, I should have prevented this from happening." I reply with a low bow.

"You were far more adverse to the invitation then I was, I was the fool not to listen. And now they will pay the price. Our Kingdom is strong and our army has fought and won many times over. If it is war that Nievenyth want then it is war they will get."

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