Dear uncle

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Quick side note Baldr is gonna have his god of war design, as that's much better than whatever we got with his Danmachi design. Like, I know he's the god of light and all, but he just looks like a prick in Danmachi. Like someone fake.

Because I mean Baldr, first and foremost, is a warrior. I get that Danmachi is a bit different with these things, but Baldr should still have his warrior side and not be dressed like that. Anyway, with that rant out of the way, enjoy.

Bell stood in Loki's office, his eyes widened. In front of him was the Far Eastern god known as Takemikzuchi bowing in front of him.

His familia did so as well while Mikoto still rested on the couch. Bell was very confused and didn't know what to do in this situation, so he looked to Loki for help.

"Alright, Take lift your head up. You're confusing the boy," Loki said.

"No! He must know how thankful I am for what he did. He brought Haruhime back to us and saved Mikoto. Such actions deserve thanks!"

"Uh, it's no big deal. Mikoto just asked for my help, and I helped her." Bell nervously said. He looked to Loki again for help. He really didn't know what to do.

"Alright, Take you thanked him. Now, bring your head up." Loki demanded.

Takemikzuchi bowed for a minute more before straightening out. "Do not downplay your actions, my good man. What you did here today has healed the hearts of my familia. As such, should you ever need anything, call upon me. I know we may not be the strongest, but we'll heed your call all the same."

Bell looked to Loki with a tentative look. This could be one of their first allies to prepare for the Long Night. Loki seemed to know what Bell was thinking and nodded in approval.

"Actually, there is something I'd like to talk with you about. In private first." Bell said.

Takemikzuchi nodded before telling his familia to leave. They left Mikoto on the couch as she was still unconscious. Haruhime stayed as well, saying she owed Bell a similar debt.

"So what is it you would like to talk about me with?" Takemikzuchi asked.

Bell nervously gulped as he was about to tell a practical stranger his secret. He hadn't even told his dungeon party or even Welf. But this situation was a little different. Takemikzuchi had given Bell his word he would help when no matter what.

"What I'm about to tell you is only known by a handful of people. Which means I need you to keep this a secret no matter what." Bell stated.

Takemikzuchi nodded in agreement, as well as Haruhime. The seriousness in Bell's tone showed them he wasn't joking around.

"Well, I thank you for confiding in us. But why tell us who you've only just met?"

"Well, because the two of you gave me your word that you'll help me no matter what. I know a promise like that means a lot in your culture." Bell explained.

Takemikzuchi nodded while Haruhime stood behind him. Bell looked over to Loki again, who gave him the go-ahead.

Bell took a deep breath before he spoke. "Ever since I was a boy. I've had dreams of a night that never ended. A night filled with cold and darkness for generations to come. At the head of this darkness is a White Walker. The Night King. I see him every night I go to sleep. His horse made of bones, and his skin like ice. He doesn't speak, but his presence is enough. In 10 years, he and his armies will invade the world. Millions, if not billions, will die. But then they'll come back and join his ranks. If we're to stand even a sliver of a chance, we all need to come together. Which is why I ask you to pledge me your support."

Is it wrong to stop the long night Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora