A Song to Serenade You With

Start from the beginning

A blush burned her face. "I'm not a very good singer."

Lee fanned his palm. "You don't give yourself enough credit, kid," From afar, another crewmate called for him. "Anyway, see you later, it was a good talk."

It felt nice to chat amongst the crew, at least she knew they didn't harbor any ill will toward her. She stood there, contemplating for another minute, and left to find either Zuko or Iroh. She didn't have any particular reason, she just wanted to be in their presence.

When she did find them, more so of Iroh, who was cleaning the tsungi horn he'd somehow bought a while back with a cloth. When he heard her approaching him, he turned his head toward her and smiled.

"Good evening, Hestia, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" 

She returned his smile and sat next to him. "Just wandering around. I finished the novel you got for me."

"How did you like it?"

"It was amazing," Hestia began. "The twist at the end were completely different than what I expected. I might reread it, thank you for gifting me it."

"I am glad you enjoyed it so much," he chuckled. "I am told you are joining us for music night?"

"I am. Is that all right?"

"My dear, having you with us is a gift."

"I'm relieved you think so," She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

Iroh finishes with cleaning the horn and sets it aside carefully. He turns toward her. "You give yourself little credit, Hestia. You are far beyond what you think you are now."

"So I'm told," she wrung her fingers. "I guess...I'm just insecure."

"Don't be, child. There is nothing to be insecure about; you are a wonderful girl."

"Thank you."

She waited impatiently until the sun just barely hung on the horizon. A sliver of gold on the ocean, creating a thousand, no million glistening crystals upon the surface. Her palms were clammy and her head warm with anticipation. As any other music night, she wore simple dark red robes, much like her attire during their escapade through the South Pole, but in lighter fabrics and shorted sleeves. She left her hair free of braids or ribbons.

The night was cool, but comfortable at least. 

"Ah, there are, Hestia," Iroh stood by the firepit that was set up on the deck. The logs inside were already aflame. The few crew members were preparing to play their instruments. "I was wandering where you had got to."

She peered around. "Where's Zuko?"

"Best to leave Prince Zuko be for a little while," the old man responded. "He is in quite the foul mood tonight."

Her brows furrowed together, the question already forming in her head, but she decided against asking. Though, she remained curious to what had Zuko's annoyance this time around. 

She shook her head, telling herself she should enjoy the music instead of questions.

"I was thinking we could start off with Hestia singing." Her cheek went ablaze. "I mean, of course, if you don't want to, that's quite alright."

"No, I can do it, but what do we start with?"

"Random melodies to begin with, and loosen your anxiety, dear girl."

She nodded, agreeing with Lee, who had appeared with a lute. He sat next to Iroh who smiled at her proudly. 

Nervousness wracked her but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She wanted test the boundaries of herself. Given she hadn't sung in front of the crewmates, or Iroh before, she was ready to do it. 

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