Chapter 6- A Whore

Start from the beginning

Taehyung sank into the plush comfort of the expensive couch. "Get to the point, Tae. Why the heck are you here?" His phone began its shrill ring again, cutting through the calm. With a roll of his eyes, Taehyung silenced the persistent caller, his irritation palpable as he directed his gaze towards Jungkook.

"For this, you bastard! Your wife has been blowing up my phone for the past three days asking for you," Taehyung grumbled tossing his phone infront of Jungkook which kept ringing again and again. "Can't you go home and deal with her? She's your wife, not mine, for God's sake. I spent an hour confronting her, dude." He let out an exasperated sigh, the weight of annoyance heavy in his voice.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he swirled the whiskey in his glass, irritation washing over him. The mention of Aera soured his mood further. "Then block her number if she bothers you," he retorted, bitterness in his voice.

Taehyung sighed, frustration etched into his face. "You should go home, Jungkook. You can't keep avoiding her forever, especially when you both have a child together. Think of Yohan at least," he advised, concern evident in his voice. He couldn't bear to witness Yohan suffering due to this adult shit.

Jungkook's jaw clenched as he shot Taehyung a withering glare. "I'll go when I'm good and ready," he retorted, his defiance unwavering. To him, the thought of returning to the confines of his home and the monotonous routine felt stifling, almost suffocating.

Taehyung poured himself a generous amount of whiskey, taking a long sip before addressing Jungkook once more. "You haven't been there for a week now. She's your wife, Jungkook," Taehyung admonished, his voice tinged with a hint of reproach.

Jungkook's eyes flared with annoyance, his patience wearing thin. With a swift movement, he pushed himself up from the couch, his voice terse as he shot back at Taehyung, "If you're done, you can fuck off," he snapped, frustration bubbling to the surface. Taehyung rolled his eyes, a resigned smile playing on his lips. "You're so darn rude."

Yn dashed into the hospital room, her steps urgent. Mark lay there, connected to a drip, peacefully asleep but looking pale and frail. Gently patting his head, a mix of concern and love showed on her face. Standing by his bedside, her mind wandered to the recent events.

Confusion filled her mind. What they were doing felt wrong. He was married, he had a god damn wife and a kid, they where breaking all the rules. Yet, despite the moral dilemma, her body responded in a way she couldn't understand. Conflicting emotions left her with unanswered questions.

Lost in her thoughts, her phone rang, pulling her back. Quickly stepping out to answer, she glanced at Mark, still peacefully slumbering, undisturbed by the call.

"Hey," she answered. "Hey, Yn, how is Mark?" Emma's voice carried concern and remorse. Yn, still looking at Mark through the glass door, replied, "He's fine, Emma, currently sleeping. The surgery has worn him out." She replied her own eyes tried from the recent events.

"I'm so sorry," Emma confessed, guilt evident in her words. "Emma, we've been through this. It wasn't your fault. It was my fault; I didn't warn you beforehand," Yn reassured.

"I know, but still I can't help but feel responsible for what happened," she said as yn couldn't help but feel sad for Emma she has been taking the stress eversince the incidence "Can we come to visit Mark? Jhon wants to meet him," Emma said.

Yn thought for a second and answered, "Sure, why not? I think Mark would enjoy some company."Yn said knowing how happy her brother will be once he meets his bestfriend "Sure, then we will drop there soon. See you," Emma said as the call ended.

Yn walked back towards Mark's bed, eyes fixed on his peaceful slumber. The room felt heavy with unspoken words and the complexity of their intertwined lives. Sitting beside Mark, he seemed a bit bothered by pain.

It pained her to see her little brother go through this. Leaning her head on the bed, tears spilled out as she wondered why. Why was God picking on them every time? Why was he toying with the little kid in front?

She cried silently, holding his hand. He would be ashamed when he learns what his sister does to pay the bills. She was ashamed too but preferred the labels of 'slut,' 'gold digger,' or 'homewrecker' over losing him.

She cried harder until she felt a hand pat her head. Looking up, she saw Mark, who looked at her worried. "What's wrong, Yniee?" he asked in his weak voice his face all pale cause of weakness yet his eyes where shinning bright looking at his sister. Yn shook her head, crying harder, smiling, "Just happy that you are getting well, sweetheart," she answered, kissing his little hand.

He was the only family left with her to protect, and she was willing to go to any limits, even if it meant selling her dignity or herself a thousand times.


Jungkook boot's echoed around the mansion as he stepped in he could hear few faint voices of few laughter he rolled his eyes Aera must have invited some of her friends again for a little gathering he walked passed them ignoring his wife who looked at him expecting him to show a little affection it's been days he last saw her but seem like he didn't care.

"I'll be back; Yohan seems sleepy. I put him to sleep," she announced, excusing herself, feeling her friend eyeing her husband, who walked towards their room.

Jungkook entered his room, unbuttoning his shirt to change into something comfortable. As the door opened and closed, he didn't turn back, knowing it was Aera. She walked towards the crib, gently laying Yohan down and covering him with a soft blanket. Seating herself, her voice softened as she asked, "Where were you?"

Receiving no answer, she turned around, her gaze flickering Jungkook's clothes carried the faint scent of another woman's perfume, and Aera's heart sank at the realization.

Aera's expression turned bitter, tinged with a sharp edge of anger. She turned around to face Jungkook, her eyes flashing with a mix of hurt and frustration. "Found yourself another whore, have you?" she spat, her tone laced with aggression.

Jungkook met her gaze with a cold stare, his expression unreadable. He shrugged dismissively, his voice devoid of emotion. "I'm not answerable to you," he retorted, pulling on a shirt without a second glance.

Aera's fists clenched at her sides, her jaw tensing with restrained fury. Whispers from an employee earlier that morning suggested he was involved with another woman. Although Aera was certain Jungkook held no real emotions, the mere thought of his betrayal stung her to the core.

"I bet she's after your money," Aera suggested, her voice barely containing her resentment. She couldn't fathom why he would involve himself with someone else when their relationship was already. Jungkook couldn't help but control the urge to say "Just like you" but he didn't say a word not wanting to ruin his mood.

Jungkook's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes glinting with an almost mocking amusement. "Even if she is," he drawled, a hint of arrogance in his tone as he moved towards Aera, leaned down to meet her gaze, "trust me, she's doing a fucking good job at spending it." With that, he turned and left the room, leaving Aera alone with her thoughts. She bit her lips, hastening towards her phone, grabbing it as she called someone, teeth gritted. There was no way any other girl could win his heart, not when she was his wife and the mother of their son. She gripped the phone as she said.

"Fucking find out about the girl who Jungkook was with"


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