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The next morning, in Bugs's trailer, the two are seen be in a shared bed together and have been wrapped up in each other arms.

Until Daffy slowly wakes up and notices that Bugss arms were tightly gripping onto him and smiled in sweetened glow.

He remembers the moment where the two had kissed ever so warmly before Bugs paused their interaction for a second to text the crew members to let them know that he needed the rest of the day off before he took Daffy's hand gently and guided him back to his trailer.

Where they spent the night together in peace. 

Oh how long did it really take for them to be where they are today.

If Daffy had not spoken up about their relationship yesterday, it would have been much longer, possibly forever before it could ever happen.

As Daffy took once more glance at the way Bugs was sleeping before laughing loudly in relief.

"Pfft. Haha!" Daffy roared in his laughter right as Bugs woke up in a jolted groan from his interrupted sleep.

"Geez. Daff. What was so funny that you had to laugh that loudly for?" Bugs asked groggily while rubbing his eyes, roughly.

"I'm sorry Bugs. I didn't mean to wake you up. It's just, this the first time that I've ever seen you this clingy before." Daffy teased while giggling even more from Bugs's grumpy morning expression.

It was way too cute for him not to hold in all of his laughter together.

"Why? Did you not want me to be clingy? I can always move to that couch over there, if you want." Bugs asked with a smirk on his face, knowing that he had to get him back for waking him up too early.

"Oh! N..n..no I was just...." Daffy was going to say, in a fluster by a possible misunderstanding  that he might be making until Bugs assured him that he was just joking.

"I'm kidding. I know I don't say this a lot because I haven't been able to get this close to anyone in a long time, but I want you to know that I do in fact, love you very much. And I promise I'll try my best to be a better boyfriend to you." Bugs declared, wholeheartedly.

"Haha. So, now who's the cheesy one, huh?" Daffy asked with a chuckle in his statement.

"Oh, that's it. Get over here, you." Bugs said softly while arm wrestling with Daffy a bit before the two kissed and held onto each other, comfortably.

With the time from then on moving forward as the two continue to stay close together and progress on with their relationship while filming their own shows when they were needed.

Eventually, just as Blanc would have predicted, the two were back on the air together as roommates in newly founded show with

Which gave them more chances to be happier at both work and home that now merged into one, once more. 

And even with a future project in mind that may or may not keep them separated from working together.

There will always be time for them to come home into each other arms, again.

Because to them, it was never just an act after all.

*Author's note: Thank you so much for reading this enduring story that was very much inspiring to many people. I hope you all enjoyed it and are looking forward to the rest of the Baffy collection books such as Rebellious Hearts that I have been wanting to catch up on for quite some time, My Whole World and many many of the oneshots to come by. Along with a new one in mind that focuses in on Wile e Coyote and Roadrunner as the new main characters of their own Human AU story called I dis(like) you. See you folks later in the next show! 😊❤️

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