Chapter 9

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Once they were done with that, Daffy wanted to move on to the mud bath portion so that he can try to relax without anymore people trying to ruin his day.

But Bugs still think it's hilarious every time as the two got into in side by side mud tubs with each having wrapped up towels on their head and cucumber face masks.

"Haha." Bugs continued to chuckled quietly at Daffy's grumpy expressions from earlier.

"Oh you think that so funny, Bugs. Well guess what pal? I'm not enjoying this at all! She nearly cobbled me with her meaty hands! I could have been killed!" Daffy complained, agitated with pursed lips.

"Oh lighten up Doc, she was just doing her job. But hey, at least she elbowed those tight little knots real good in there." Bugs said, referring to the many tight spots that people get from various muscle strains.

"I do not have knots." Daffy said, not even knowing what the heck that meant.

"Sure you do, anybody that's stressed out recently, would have their backs cracking like an old man." Bugs pointed out.

"Oh whatever, I'm glad you're having fun." Daffy said with his eyes rolled.

"I am." Bugs said with a smile.

"By the way did you know?" Daffy asked, randomly out of the blue as if he figured that Bugs was aware of the changes being made at the studio.

"About what? The contract extension? Oh yeah, they informed me right after they were able to process it through in the system." Bugs said with Daffy shocked.

"So you knew this whole time?! What am I supposed to do then?! I'm not spending an entire year working with you! I have a life to live you know! A dream to be rich and famous. Go James Bond style or Indiana Jones. Maybe even be a Luke Skywalker before meeting my villainous father! Have a mansion with parties and friends every night! And I can't do any of that with your carrot thieving nose getting in the way!" Daffy rants out, making Bugs laugh at him.

"Haha. Don't worry, I'll figure something out for you." Bugs said with a light promise.

"You always say that but I'm pretty sure that you'll just keep me working here with you for all eternity you wretched rabbit!" Daffy grumbled.

"Eh, so what if I do? What's the harm in all of that, when it'll only allow us to spend more time together." Bugs teased with a hint of flirt in his tone to Daffy's annoyance.

"Ugh. You're despicable. By the way are we done yet? Can I take off this stupid thing now?" Daffy said referring to the towel and face mask.

"Sure. But don't say goodbye to this place, too soon. We still have a lot more to do." Bugs said.

"Yeah yeah. Let's make it quick then." Daffy said as the two go through several more sections such as hand pampering with feet salt soaks and acupuncture before finally going inside a sauna for their last part of the spa bundle.

"Geez. For an all day spa treatment, this sure is a lot of stuff to deal with. That old man though is lucky that I'm not complaining because the tips did get rid of some of the back pain that I had, earlier. Unlike that buffoon of a woman back there in the massage room." Daffy said.

"Daffy it's acupuncture. There's going to be needles pricking your back." Bugs said while putting more coal into the fire pit before sitting back down beside Daffy.

"I know that. I just hate anything that sticks on me." Daffy said, shivering at how sharp those needles can get since his back is very sensitive.

"Then you wouldn't have liked using a bed of nails. They can be very pointy and you'd probably jump at the first sight of it." Bugs said with a chuckle, referring to actual a bed of nails that many acupuncture professions would use right now.

With many more dull forms of nail beds to use at home.

"Wha? For real?! Who would be crazy enough to use those things?!" Daffy yelled out horrified.

"Well for your sake, I would hope that you don't have a bad back then." Bugs teased playfully.

"Don't jinx me, rabbit. Or else you'll be falling into the dangerous spike pits with me as well." Daffy said bluntly.

"Okay then." Bugs said with a light shrug, thinking devilishly about how he can use those words against him the next time he wanted to tease him.

Meanwhile, Daffy, who for some odd reason, hates the eerie silence more than hearing his rival ramble on, decided to start up another conversation.

"So Bugs, I get that you're too goody famous and all. But why did you work for Looney Tunes in the first place?" Daffy asked, curiously.

"Pfft. Why are you so interested in my personal life? I thought for a moment there that you would have hated the sights of me carrying on about myself." Bugs said with a laugh.

"Shut it. It's just a simple question. No need to make it all personal. We ain't buddies just yet." Daffy said in a grumble.

"Funny. That's not how I see you." Bugs said in a mumble but was hearable to Daffy.

"What are you taking about?" Daffy asked, confused by his statement.

"Oh nothing, just jabber." Bugs fibbed, wavering off the idea of it while deciding to lie down on his back.

"Man, for a guy who talk a lot, you sure aren't very open about yourself." Daffy said bluntly before also lying down as well.

"Why do you say that? Did you want me to be open?" Bugs asked curiously.

"Ah...well yes. I mean, if we're going to be working together then we should know a little about ourselves but um....." Daffy said in a pause, suddenly feeling nervous about his question.

To which Bugs was fully aware as he turns over face to face, before leaning in again close.

"But what?" Bugs said with a sly smile.

"Uh..."  Daffy stammered with his face growing red as he winced a little from the fact that they are so close that at any point now, he would be facing a possible kiss.

Just like he had to face when he was dreaming about him last night.

Bugs, however, decided to not torture the poor soul with an uninvited kiss just yet.

Until another opportunity would come into play, and he can really tease him upfront.

"Relax, I'm just kidding." Bugs said before giving Daffy some space to breathe.

"D...don't do that. You outta give me a heart attack." Daffy said, clutching onto his chest in a dramatic way.

"Well don't start dying on me now, Daffy. We still have dates to plan soon." Bugs teased with a devilish grin on his face.

"Har har. Don't you have a killer joke." Daffy said sarcastically with an irritated look on his face as the two wrapped up the rest of their spa treatment before checking out at the front.

All while skipping the gift boutique shop at the end of it all.

Since Daffy was now begging to be brought home.

Just an act जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें