Chapter 3

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The next day, Daffy, who was more than excited, got up from his bed in a jolt.

He had gone to bed super early last night so that he could prepare for his big audition and got dressed for his big day. 

When he got to the kitchen, he started making himself some breakfast when he noticed that the phone machine near the counter was blinking red, which meant that he had a missed call with a voicemail attached to it.

"Hmm. That's odd I didn't hear the phone ring last night. Eh, I must have dozed off when this call was made." Daffy said to himself with a shrug before pushing the button to hear the message.

"You have one new message. Beep. Hi, this is Producer Mel Blanc from the Warner Brother Studios. I wanted to be the first to let you that you don't need to come in for your audition because we have decided to ...." The message sounded out in a paragraph long voice while Daffy's tired expression couldn't hear much more of it with his yawns taking over half of his hearing and moved on to finish the rest of his breakfast.

Until suddenly, he stopped in a jolt, when the last sentence of the message somehow struck him in confusion and forced him to wake up mentally, so that he can hear it again. 

"Wait a minute.... What did he just say...." Daffy mumbled before replaying the message and listened more closely.

".... You got the job. So, what are you waiting for? Head down to Warner's Brother's studios today and became the next biggest star of our company! If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to me or my co-worker Chuck Jones and we'll have you set up in no time. See you there." Mel's voice sounded out, like a car commercial advertising for a new motorized vehicle before switching over back to the voicemail center. 

"Beep. You have no more messages." The voicemail sounded as the blinking light turned off, with Daffy hanging on every word in silence until his blank stare quickly turned into a hyper-electrified grin and jumped for joy!

"*Gasp! I knew it! I AM a star! I never needed their audition! It was all just a test so that they can see me, Daffy Duck, a bonified actor on the rise to stardom! Hollywood here I come!" Daffy yelled out before exiting his apartment and drove on over to The Studios with his cringe old red corolla, in full Fast and Furious speed!


When he got to the main building of Warner Brother's Studios, he started to ask around for a 'Mel Blanc' from various different people and cast crew members.

Of course, it didn't take long for him to be pointed in the right direction.

After so much annoyance and brags were carried on in his confident tone over his job offer and possible chances of being a star.

Once he got to the right area, he walked over to a group of people talking and intruded their conversation. 

"*Ahem! I am ready for my script now, Mastro!" Daffy said confidently as Mel turned around from the crowd and acknowledged his presence. 

"Ah! You must be Daffy Duck. We are so happy that you have accepted this offer. Now as you know, being an actor can deal with a very tight scheduling. That includes makeup sessions, stage testing, and of course the whole filming process of the scenes that are put together into each and every one of the episodes here in the show...." Mel explained before he was quickly cut off by Daffy, who was much too bored to hear any antics of the job, itself. 

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you. But can you skip over to the part where I get to perform in the show?" Daffy asked, excitedly as Mel started to laugh at his silly enthusiasm and pats him on the back.

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