Chapter 4

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After about a half an hour worth of searching for Mel Blanc, Daffy was able to get ahold to him thanks to a lazy receptionist filing her nails and walked in on a business meeting room with him along with Chuck Jones and many others, including the very famous Warner Brothers.

"Hey Mel! I want to talk to you!" Daffy yelled out right as Blanc turned around and sees that how angry he was getting from a distance. 

".....I see. Would you all excuse me for a moment?" Blanc dismissed himself calmly so that Daffy wouldn't disturb the rest of the meeting and walks out with him while closing the door behind them which left everyone else surprised and confused at the same time about the way Daffy approached them so abruptly.

"Who was that brash individual back there?" A man named Jack asked curiously, who was not only one of the main Warner Brothers for The Studios, but also happens to be the youngest out of all four of them.

"Oh, nobody sir. He he. Just someone from an audition, that's all." Jones explained with a hint of nervousness in his tone, which told others that he was simply afraid of getting in trouble.

But Jack, happened to be one of those bosses who are nice enough to understand everything.

"Haha. Well, he certainly has a way with his demanding tone, doesn't he?" Jack asked with a small chuckle in his voice.

"Eh...he he, yeah. Good thing we hire him, right? We could sure use another hot head like Ol' Yosemite Sam to keep the audience going." Jones said with a small sign of relief, knowing for sure that he will not have to be fired for the possible ruckus that he could be causing.

"I like where you're going with this. And if he is as good as he claims to be. Then by all means, make sure you extend his contract. Because we need a lot more guys like him out there." Jack complimented with a wink.

"Thank you, sir. I'll be sure to do that then." Jones said while jotting down documentation requirements to update Daffy's ongoing contract without letting the poor guy know that they'll be keeping him there for a while.

Meanwhile, once Mel and Daffy got to quieter spot, away from the meeting rooms, then he addressed his sincere apologies, thinking at first that it was just a simple impatience issue.

"I am so sorry Daffy for making you wait too long. I was fixing to come back with all the paperwork filed after the meeting to let you know that...." Mel tried to say before he was cut off quickly by Daffy's risen frustration.

"Why didn't you tell me that I had to work with that lunatic rabbit downstairs?!" Daffy asked, fumed with irritation.

"Who? Oh! Mr. Bugs Bunny. Haha, I see that you've already got a chance to meet him." Mel said with a chuckle, knowing how Bugs can get when it comes to introduction.

Until he saw Daffy's irked face and noticed that their encounter didn't look too good.

"I want you to change that contract right now and see if I can work with someone else other than that no-good despicable spotlight stealer!" Daffy raged out.

"Oh...well you see.... here's the thing about that. We can't really pair you up with anybody else because, he was the one who actually hired you on the spot so technically.... the contract stands and you two will still have to work together even if you decide to stay in the company with another group of actors. I'm sorry but there's just not a lot that we can do right now at the moment." Blanc explained, winced up.

He had never had any of the casting crew members express problems about working with anyone on the sets, so this was new and difficult to handle.

"He did what?" Daffy asked in pure shock.

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