the aftermath

324 7 12

Sorry I was gone for so long, but I'm back to feed you now😌

His side ached painfully,
The bright light shone in his eyes, it burned

He glanced around,
Still in the room..
He sighed,

"Something wrong osamu?"
He heard a taunting voice from across the room

Lifting his head just a bit he saw Mori, that bastard..
Mori slowly walked over to where he lay,

"It's sad to say, but I won't be doing anything to you for the next few weeks before your wound heals, wouldn't want you dying would we?"

That actually sounds like a relief,

Groaning in pain he thought about the agency,
What where they doing right about now?

The agency pov,

Dazai hasn't show up to work for the past few days...
Kunikida thought,

He glanced over at ranpo, who looked particularly tense

After dazai went missing a few days ago they started looking everywhere,

They checked his agency apartment, they checked all the rivers, train stations, roofs,

Suddenly, fukuzawa burst into the office

"I found something"
He said

He clicked the security cameras as everyone gathered around,
They showed dazai, walking through the streets

"How close was he to the agency?" Atsushi asked

"He was about 5 minutes away" ranpo said sticking a lollipop in his mouth

The cameras then showed dazai looking around a bit nervous,
He was pulled harshly into an alley,
The cameras showed nothing after that

Kunikida sat down, deep in thought
His partner, had been kidnapped
And he didn't even realize until a few days later!

"Is there anyone we can call to help us?" Atsushi asked, looking worried

Fukuzawa thought for a moment before pulling out his phones dailing a number he didn't recognize

The phone rang before a familiar voice picked up,
"Hello? Nakahara chuuya speaking"

Chuuya pov, finally!

Chuuya picked up the call,
He was surprised when he heard the president of the agency on the other line

"The fuck do You want?" He asked

Fukuzawa sighed on the other end before replying
"We are looking for dazai"

Chuuya froze,
Looking for dazai? Why?

"What happened?" He asked skeptically

"He was kidnapped around four days ago"
The other man replied

Chuuya tensed,
Mori had said something about having a prisoner four days ago

"What information do you have do far?"

"We searched the security cameras near the agency and he was seen walking to work when he was pulled into an alleyway, that was the last we saw of him"
The president replied

"I'll be over in a minute " chuuya said, phone cracking beneath his hands

A few of the agency members protested before being judged by the president who replied,

"Okay, we will see you soon"

Chuuya hung up the phone,
He was going to get dazai back If it was the last thing he'd do

Sorry for the short chapter, and lack of angst
I've been on a tight schedule so I won't be updating as frequently but I'll make sure this fic doesn't get discounted
Also it's like, 12:00 am for me so I want to get sleep before tomorrow

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