yo I'm back

340 6 14

Quick apology for not updating for a bit, I got locked out of my account, without further addo, let's start.

Dazai woke up slowly,
.. he didn't remember much, what happened yesterday?
"Ah, you're finally awake"

A familiar voice sounded,
But.. who's was it again?
"You're memory might be slightly foggy, I did have to give you a lot of suppressants to keep you down last night"

That's when he realized,
He's strapped to a bed.

"We haven't done any torture methods in awhile, and I really wanted to do those, so why not now?"
Dazai shook, he couldn't do anything, he was badly injured and completely held down, all he could do was lay there and wait with an overwhelming sense of dread..

Mori pulled out a list, his eyes scanned it for a moment, probobly searching for a torture method to suit his punishment of trying to escape,
"Ah! Here it is"
He said suddenly,

He walked over to him, and placed a blindfold over his eyes,
He realized, he's shirtless, probobly from the whole bullet ordeal,
He could hear Mori shuffling around,
He picked up something that sounded like glass,
Maybe a jar?

"Did you know.."
He said as he walked over,
"Cockroaches can and will eat human flesh."



He heard a lid being unscrewed, shit,
He struggled, only to be stopped by a sudden pain shooting through his side,

He felt a small weight be placed on his stomach, it scurried around for a little before coming to rest on his wound, which luckily for him, was covered in bandages,
(but the author is craving gore, good luck)

Another small weight,
And another,
And another,
There were four all together, all scarring about,
Across his chest, stomach, wound, and face,
Suddenly, Moris hands moved to the bandages covering his wound,
They slowly started to unwrap the bandages,
The cockroaches quickly found they're meal,

He payed there for hours as the cockroaches ripped away from his skin, slowly but surely eating him bit by bit,
Until it stopped,
Hm, guess Mori got board,

He heard the jar being closed as Mori walked away once more,
".. did you have fun dazai?"

He removed his blindfold,
"That wound is going to take weeks to heal now,"
"I know" he ground out,
"You sound mad! Why?"
More silence,

"Hm, I'm going to go get some bandages to clean that up"
He said, pointing at the oozing wound,
His blood was mixing with the puss and it looked disgusting,
Mori left the room,

He payed there, probobly 5 minutes had passed before Mori finally came back with the supplies,
He spoke as he cleaned his wound,
"You don't have much a reaction to this, why is that?"
He asked questioningly, already knowing the answer
Maybe because someone locked me in a room with the mafia dogs for what, 3 weeks?
He stayed silent...

As Mori left the room he said,
"I'll see you tomorrow"
The door closed.

Hi, as I explained at the beginning I got locked out of Wattpad, sorry bout' that, I know this is short but when I'm writing this it's like 1:00 am so yeah, have a nice day/night

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