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This chapter contains: kidnapping, waterboarding, mentions of torture, body shaming, and mentions of blood.

Dazai woke up on a normal Monday morning,
he groaned as he realized that he was already 30 minutes late,

not that he cared but still,

He begrudgingly got off his futon and walked to the bathroom,
he stared in the mirror,

his hair was getting longer, he hadn't cut it in a while, it was about shoulder length now,

he walked to the living room of his apartment and grabbed a pair of scissors off the coffee table, he walked back into the bathroom,

he started to cut his hair,

By the time he was done his hair was back to normal length and he was 1 hour late,
he left the scissors on the sink before undressing from his night clothes and starting to wrap his bandages,

he started with his torso and did his arms and legs next,
then his neck,

He left the bathroom looking at his bandages and making sure they cover all his scars,

he hated his body,
he was too fat and he needed to loose weight, he hadn't eaten in a while, he can't remember how long ago though,

he got dressed in his usual work attire and went to the kitchen for a glass of water,
after that he put on his shoes and left,

he checked his phone to see it was 8:43 AM and several angry text messages from kunikida,

DAZAI! 8:21 AM


I'm on my way kunikida-kun~ no need to rush me 8:44 AM

You better hurry you bandage waisting bastard, your already 44 minutes and 32 seconds late 8:44 AM

Okay okay! I'm almost there 8:45 AM

Dazai quickly shut off his phone as he received another text about the time,
as he walked he began to feel uneasy.. he felt like he was being watched,

he looked behind him but saw nothing,
as he passed an alley he was pulled harshly into it, he couldn't see who did it because of how dark it was,

he felt his arms be pinned behind his back as his head was slammed into the wall,

he felt the warm blood sliding down his face as he struggled, the person behind him was strong,

he felt a cloth over his mouth and he started to feel tired,
his eyes drooped as black spots clouded his vision,
he passed out.

He woke up sometime later and assessed his surroundings,

he was bound to a chair in the middle of the room,
surrounding him was dimly lit lights and what looked like a hospital,

there was a operating table with a light on the corner,
there was a table with a bunch of tools dazai couldn't make out next to the door,
there was a large bucket filled with water,

and a chest,
the chest was in the corner,
by itself,

He immediately felt uneasy, there were no windows and the only light was dim,
he could make out a few things but otherwise everything was a mixture of black and blue,

Suddenly, the door Infront of him opened, and out stepped Mori, in a lab coat and holding a scalpel,

"Ah! Your awake"
he said enthusiastically, "now we can begin!"

"Begin what.."
dazai said skeptically,

"oh! The fun of course, we used to do this all the time when you were 15"
he said as he pulled out a list,

Dazai eyed the list skeptically, what is that, he asked, Mori looked at him and said it's a list, I recently wrote it, he smiled,

Torture methods


Mori looked at dazai, "that's right"
he said,
"this list was made specifically for you, my darling Osamu"

Dazai hated when he called him that,
Mori stepped closer and poked his stomach,

"my... You've got quite the amount of fat here Osamu-chan"

He knew he needed to loose weight,
Mori walked over to the table and pulled it Infront of where dazai was sitting,

dazai noticed that the tools he saw earlier were medical tools, he stared at the scalpel,

Mori brought the bucket over and placed it next to the table, he pulled out a camera,

Where did that come from- wait, I'm getting off track

Mori watched as dazai looked at the camera curiously,

"Are you confused osamu-chan?"

dazai scoffed,
Mori said,
"it's to record this, I want to have memories of everything that's happening right now, forever"
he put the camera on record and placed it on the table,

Mori pulled out his list, "first... Water boarding"

Mori unbuckled the straps on dazai's wrists and grabbed them to make sure he didn't go anywhere,

he undid the ankle straps and dragged a struggling dazai to the flat surface of the medical bed,

he turned up the lights so he could see better and forced dazai down,

he strapped him to the bed and walked over to a button on the wall.

TW Waterboarding

Dazai knew what water boarding was, and as soon as Mori pressed the button,

a small drop of water fell from the ceiling and landed on his forehead,
he could feel it slide down the side onto the bed, the water drops kept coming, they made noises,

Eventually everything started to blur together,
All he could focus on was the dripping of the water




He couldn't hear anything but the dripping of water, he could only feel the water, he couldn't see, everything was white...

It stopped.

The water dripping stopped.

Mori turned it off, he moved to dazai who was still in a daze and started to unbind him, his eyes looked cloudy and glazed over,

As dazai slowly came back to his senses he felt he was being carried by someone, he looked up, he saw a blurred face,

He was placed in a chair and his limbs were bound to it, black spots clouded his vision, he felt like passing out...

The last thing he saw was Mori standing there, smiling.

This was 1034 words,
Have a nice day

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