Frank's Past - Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Sarah smiled at him with tears in her eyes and hugged him. Frank's apathy met Sarah's emotional outpouring at that moment, creating a hug that conveyed more than any words ever could.

After Sarah left the room, Frank remained alone, sitting on the bed. He gazed into the void, his mind working in ways he had never experienced before. In his mind, plans and strategies began to emerge. How could he prevent Sarah from leaving? How could he cancel her adoption? He even considered extreme actions, like harming Sarah's adoptive parents.

As his thoughts darkened, and his plans became more detailed, a part of his mind stopped him. He remembered Sarah, her smile, her joy, her friendship. He remembered that being adopted was Sarah's dream, an opportunity for a better life.

Frank finally realized that he couldn't harm Sarah or her new parents. Understanding what it meant for Sarah to be adopted and have a family made him make a decision.

As the days passed, Sarah prepared to leave for her new adoptive family. Frank helped her pack her belongings and accompanied her on her last day at the orphanage. When it was time to say goodbye, they hugged tightly before Sarah left in a car with her new adoptive family.

Frank remained alone in the orphanage's yard, watching the car drive away. His expression remained apathetic, but a growing sense of loss began to take hold. With Sarah's departure, he realized how much she had come to mean to him, despite his emotional challenges.

He rose from the bed, his apathetic face concealing the emotions he now felt. He couldn't prevent Sarah from leaving, but he could ensure that, before her departure, they created happy memories together. He headed to his favorite corner in the room, where he had an unsolved puzzle. Although he had never paid attention to it before, he decided it was time to solve it.

Time passed quickly. Frank and Sarah spent their last days together as best friends, creating invaluable memories that they would carry with them on their respective journeys. Frank discovered that, although his mind was programmed for logic and apathy, he could still experience the warmth of friendship and the joy of being close to someone he appreciated.

And finally, the day came when Sarah left with her new adoptive parents. Frank accompanied her to the orphanage's door. His face remained apathetic, but his eyes conveyed the affection and fondness he felt for his friend.

"Take care of yourself, Sarah. And be happy."

Sarah nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Frank. I'll never forget everything we shared."

Frank watched as Sarah got into the car with her new adoptive parents and drove off to a new life. A life that would finally give her the family she had always longed for. Frank watched the car disappear, a strange mix of emotions swirling inside him. It was the first time he truly understood what friendship and love meant.

Frank's days continued in an unrelenting routine. Mornings began early, with a packed schedule of classes and activities designed to nurture his brilliant mind and physical abilities. The education at the orphanage was exhaustive and varied, and Frank received advanced instruction in mathematics, sciences, literature, and virtually all academic subjects imaginable. His mind absorbed knowledge like a sponge.

However, there was a noticeable change in his routine. In addition to academic subjects, he was now given martial arts and physical fitness classes. The educators at the orphanage, having noticed his exceptional mind and physical ability, decided that Frank should learn to protect himself and keep his body in optimal condition.

The martial arts classes were an intriguing addition to his routine. Frank learned a variety of techniques from different disciplines, including karate, taekwondo, jiu-jitsu, and judo. Each lesson taught him not only the necessary physical skills but also discipline, self-control, and concentration. Frank was a diligent student, and despite his apparent apathy, he showed an unusual talent for martial arts. His movements were precise and efficient, and his ability to absorb new techniques was impressive.

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